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Mistaken Match Marrying the Enigmatic CEO novel Chapter 862

Chapter 861 VIP Cardholder of Longine Bank

“Hmph, I did not cut in line! I have urgent matters to attend to, and I am a VIP cardholder of Longiné Bank. I am entitled to priority service!”

Sensing that the situation was not in her favor, the woman pulled out an impressive-looking bank card and looked at Emmanuel with an arrogant expression.

“See that? This exchange counter has a partnership with Longine Bank. VIP customers have priority!”

With that said, the crowd around them changed their opinions once again.

“She’s a big shot. No wonder she’s so arrogant!”

“Yeah, that man can only endure it, right? He’s not as wealthy as her, after all!”

Emmanuel remained expressionless and bluntly said, “Since you have priority, you can go ahead and exchange your money first. Still, you must apologize to me because you stepped on me!”

He did not expect the woman to show no remorse at all. Instead, she looked at him with mocking and proud eyes, “You want me to apologize to you? Are you daydreaming? You were in my way. I didn’t make you kneel down, so I’ve already shown mercy!”.

Emmanuel’s eyebrows immediately furrowed.

How could there be such a rude and unreasonable woman?

He could understand it if she were in a hurry, but apologizing after stepping on someone was basic manners taught in kindergarten. Did she not understand that?

However, considering that he was also in a hurry, Emmanuel, being a good man, did not want to argue with this woman. He just wanted to get some cash and find Nathan at the location given by Sage. Thus, he ignored the


Unfortunately, just when he decided not to argue, the woman thought he was afraid and asked her boyfriend to exchange the money instead. She then arrogantly pointed at Emmanuel and taunted him with a smirk on her face.

“Scared, beggar-boy? Looking at you, you’re probably a country bumpkin who has never been abroad! You don’t even understand the meaning of ‘ladies first,’ do you?”

“Oh, someone like you should honestly just stay in Chanaea and not embarrass yourself by going anywhere. You’ll make people think our country is poor!”

She was so arrogant that Emmanuel could not help but sternly retort, “I am dressed appropriately, so what is there to be embarrassed about? It’s you who forcefully cut in line and acted arrogantly in public. That’s what is embarrassing. You’re making people think that our country is full of uncivilized female chauvinists like you!”

“You… How dare you argue with me?”

The woman did not expect Emmanuel to argue back, and she was so angry that her chest was heaving.

She was already dressed provocatively, and with such an intense reaction, it seemed like the two blobs of flesh were about to jump out of her top.

“You were wrong, so what’s wrong with me telling you off? Have more self-awareness in the future!”

Emmanuel was not afraid at all. His calm and determined expression was a sharp contrast to the woman’s


“You… Go to hell!”

The woman’s princess syndrome flared up again, and she slapped Emmanuel.

She glared at Emmanuel as if she were daring him to dodge again.

Before she knew what happened, Emmanuel grabbed her wrist and gently flicked it, causing her to lose her balance and stumble backward.

In the end, she even deliberately fell to the ground.

“You’re crazy!”

Emmanuel frowned, feeling that this woman really liked to put on an act. She was even more annoying than Ashton!

“Darling, what happened?”

The muscular man saw his girlfriend fall and forgot all about his money to hurry over to help her up.

“Dear, look at how rude this man is! He actually hit me!” the woman sobbed.

She had shoved aside her arrogant and domineering front to desperately pretend to be a meek woman while shouting loudly in public:

“Men should be more considerate of women, right? I stepped on you once, so what? Are you that petty? Are you even a man?”

“Everyone, am I wrong? How can a man bully a woman and be in the right?”

People started whispering once more.

Some people supported Emmanuel, while others supported the woman without knowing the truth.

Emmanuel did not care about the crowd around him. He was just disgusted by her behavior.

However, he was also in a hurry and did not have time to argue with her here, so he planned to simply exchange his money and leave.

Who would have thought that the muscular man suddenly cursed aloud, “Darn you for bullying my woman! I’m going to kill you!”

He then charged at Emmanuel with a punch.

Emmanuel dodged to the side, and with a gentle pat to the man’s lower back, sent the man crashing into a trash can.

“He’s a skilled fighter!”

Chapter 862 Surprises at the Airport

The surrounding crowd grew even more excited!


At first, they thought Emmanuel was intimidated by the muscular man and was being overly accommodating to the woman. However, it turned out that he didn’t care about women.

Unfortunately, this woman remained oblivious to her limitations, and her arrogance led her to this deserved


“I would like to exchange 1,000 Chanaea currency for Yeternia currency, please. Thank you.” Emmanuel placed a stack of money on the counter with ease.

“I apologize, sir. I must assist the gentleman before I can help you with the conversion.” The staff gestured toward a muscular man standing next to the trash can. They were afraid of offending a customer with financial


Emmanuel had no choice but to take out his Longine VIP Platinum Card.

The onlookers were shocked.

“Oh, so this man is skilled and wealthy!”

“Yes, he holds a VIP Platinum card and yet patiently waits in line while that woman acts arrogantly with just an ordinary VIP card.”

Witnessing this scene and hearing these comments, the woman in high heels blushed, unable to utter a word.

The staff were equally shocked and nodded blankly but promptly assisted Emmanuel with the conversion

“You… How dare you hit someone at the airport? I… I will sue you; you can’t escape! Where are the police? Help!” Enraged by her boyfriend’s defeat and humiliation, the woman shouted wildly. Her voice pierced in the air solely to provoke Emmanuel.

Emmanuel had no way to deal with this kind of woman. He felt an impulse to retaliate against her!

However, he knew starting a fight here and being taken to the local police station would ruin his grand plan. He could only ignore this deranged woman..

Suddenly, a tall man dressed in black emerged from the crowd and slapped the woman across the face without uttering a word.

A resounding slap!

The world seemed to fall silent in an instant.

Then, a group of men in suits approached and took control of the situation.

Emmanuel was slightly stunned by this scene but quickly regained his composure.

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“Mr. Lowe, I apologize! Mr. Nathan instructs us to pick you up at the airport. We only just found you now; please forgive us!” The man in black bowed to Emmanuel.

“What? Mr. Nathan?” The woman, who had just been arrogant moments ago, was stunned when she heard Nathan’s name and looked at Emmanuel in astonishment.

She couldn’t even fathom it in her wildest dreams. This ordinary-looking man has a Longine VIP Platinum Card and some connection to Mr. Chapman?!

“It’s alright; I’ll exchange the money and go with you guys!” Emmanuel waved his hand.

He hadn’t expected Nathan to send someone to pick him up, but it made things easier.

“Mr. Lowe, you don’t have to exchange money here. We have plenty of cash if you need it.”

The man in black waved his hand, and his subordinates brought out two large boxes of money. The subordinates then opened the boxes in front of Emmanuel.

“Wow!” The surrounding onlookers were utterly dazzled.

At a glance, a box contained an astonishing 100,000 of Yeternia currency!

Emmanuel smiled but couldn’t accept Nathan’s money with a valid reason. He knew that accepting it without merit could lead to future blackmail.

“Sir, do you still wish to exchange this 1,000 Chanaea currency?” the staff asked hesitantly.

“Yes, thank you!”


Emmanuel took the 1,000 and directly said to the man in black, “Let’s go. Take me to see Nathan.”

“Yes, Mr. Lowe.” The man in black led Emmanuel, and they departed.

The woman in high heels could finally close her astonished mouth once they were gone. She muttered, “There are so many people these days who pretend to be weak and prey on the strong.”

Chapter 863 Shadows in Paradise

Yeringham, Terence Group.

Lexi adjusted her glasses and entered Mackenzie’s office, holding a stack of files and documents.

“Ms. Quillen, here are the companies with the extraction technology you requested. Please take a look.”


As Mackenzie opened the files, her expression grew more severe with each word she read.


Lexi could tell from her frown what was troubling her. He explained, “Out of the twenty-three companies in the country with the technology, only seven meet Terence Group’s requirements. Unfortunately, five have already announced the termination of cooperation with us, and the Oatley Family has unexpectedly changed their stance. Now, the only viable option left is the company of the Chapman family.”

Wasting no time, Mackenzie closed the files and instructed Lexi, “Help me contact the person in charge of the Chapman family.”

“Okay.” Lexi nodded solemnly. “I’ll give it a try.”

The Chapman family was an extensive and robust superfamily with many domestically and internationally assets. However, contacting the person in charge of their company took a lot of work!

Mackenzie knew this well, but the mysterious consortium behind her wanted to deal with the Quillen Family. They had already bribed six companies, and the only one they did not bribe was the Chapman family’s. company.

She was anxious about the potential danger the Quillen Family could face if the Chapman family wished to deal with them.

After all, when the wealthiest family in Yeringham faced the Chapman family, the top family in the country and even the world, they became powerless!

However, to her surprise, Lexi brought her good news in the evening.

“Ms. Quillen, I have contacted the person in charge of the Chapman family’s company. He replied that their company is willing to cooperate with the Quillen Family, but there is one condition.”

“What condition?”

Mackenzie’s eyes lit up.

She and Emmanuel had promised they would handle this matter properly.

“Mr. Chapman requests Ms. Quillen to negotiate with him personally.”


Hearing this request, Mackenzie furrowed her brows slightly.

This request was reasonable since the two companies had never cooperated, so it was natural for the boss to negotiate in person for the first time.


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Lexi added, “Ms. Quillen, this request is very reasonable, but…” She spoke in a hushed tone after a moment of silence. “I heard that this Mr. Chapman is a player with countless girlfriends. He invited you, and I’m concerned he has ulterior motives…”

Mackenzie remained silent.

Despite having yet to travel abroad for business before, she knew it was possible to happen as she was the new female CEO of Terence Group.

With the company facing a life-or-death situation, Mackenzie knew she needed to take action as the female CEO of Terence Group, even if it meant facing potential dangers.

“Book a flight ticket and arrange bodyguards for me, Lexi. Also, inform Mr. Chapman that I will be there tomorrow.”

“Huh? Yes!”

Lexi was surprised yet unsurprised when Mackenzie made a firm decision and immediately took action to make arrangements for her.

As she took a few steps away, she returned and asked, “Ms. Quillen, would you like us to bring your husband along?”

Lexi believed that having Emmanuel with them would increase Mackenzie’s safety.

However, Mackenzie sighed and responded, “He left the country today.”

She cursed inwardly after speaking. Tell the idiot not to interfere. I can handle this matter alone.

“Okay, Ms. Quillen. I will make the arrangements right away!”

Lexi sighed, hoping Mackenzie’s negotiations would go smoothly this time.

On the other side, Ashton had already arrived at the waiting hall of Yeringham Airport, preparing to board the plane alone.

Captain Payne’s words echoed in her mind.

‘Ashton, I approve of your trip to Yeternia to seek Emmanuel’s assistance in solving the case. However, due to the sensitive nature of this case, I have assigned the task to you and authorized your travel expenses.’

‘Your additional task is to apprehend a woman named Xylie Tanner and bring her back to Yeringham for trial.”

‘According to the provided information, she is accused of murdering her adoptive father and subsequently fleeing to Yeternia on her own.”

Ashton turned on her phone again and reviewed Xylie Tanner’s information while unable to suppress a sigh.

She appears so gentle and beautiful and used to be the campus belle. Surprisingly, she could commit murder!

Why is the world so complex? Yet, they cannot escape my hand of justice as long as they are guilty!

Ashton clenched her fist tightly, murmuring while looking at Xylie’s photo. Yet, Emmanuel’s image intruded on her thoughts.

Hmph! With sufficient evidence, I will send that b*stard to prison sooner or later!

Meanwhile, in Yeternia, Emmanuel and the black-clad men arrived at an island.

The Chapman family had exclusively procured this island for Nathan’s leisure and enjoyment.

“Mr. Chapman is vacationing at the private beach, Mr. Lowe. Please proceed inside and locate him.” The man in black respectfully directed Emmanuel, leading him to the entrance of a walled area.-


Emmanuel nodded, and as soon as the door creaked open, he cautiously entered.

At first, he had some reservations, but when he heard the soothing sound of the wayes and the enchanting laughter of women, his body instantly stiffened as if frozen in place.

Before his eyes stretched to a private beach adorned with many beautiful women, they weren’t the primary focus; their revealing swimsuits grabbed attention. Tall or short, fat or thin, each woman exhibited unique features and charm!

Some of them lounged on the beach, sunbathing carefreely and applying sunscreen without inhibitions.

Others formed playful groups, frolicking in the sand and surf.

It resembled a paradise for men, a surreal scene that most couldn’t imagine. Yet, here it was, vividly presented before Emmanuel.

Thanks to Emmanuel’s previous experience as a gynecologist, he possessed exceptional self-control. Otherwise, if an ordinary man suddenly found himself in such a place, he might have a nosebleed on the spot.

Emmanuel wanted to leave, but he had to locate Nathan quickly and assist in resolving Mackenzie’s company issues. He steeled himself and approached the crowd, hoping to spot Nathan among the women.

However, Emmanuel quickly became disappointed.

There were over seventy women on the beach, and he was the only man besides himself.

What is happening? Something amiss.

Does the man in black deceive me?

Just as Emmanuel started to feel confused, a cold reprimand cut through the air beside him.

“Hey, who are you? It is not a place for someone like you to enter! Leave immediately!”

Chapter 864 Stranded on the Beach

“Are you a beach staff member taking advantage of your position to sneak a peek at us?”


“Hmph, we’re Mr. Nathan’s girlfriends! If you don’t scram now, he will definitely kill you when he returns!” scolded the group of women, who noticed Emmanuel’s presence and walked over. Their hands were on their hips, and their chests puffed out.

Interestingly, these women were not all from Chanaea. Many of them were women from Westeria, but they could all speak the language of Chanaea fluently.

These women were mostly tall and voluptuous models with perfect body curves. They were all dressed in very little fabric swimsuits. They stood in a row together, creating a powerful visual impact.

Although Emmanuel had confirmed that he was not impotent, he had never felt any attraction toward any woman other than Mackenzie. So, even in this situation, he remained composed and asked, “Excuse me, I’m here to find Nathan. Can anyone tell me where he is?”

“Hmph, we won’t tell you!”

“Get lost!” these women scolded him again.

Sigh! Emmanuel knew he was not thick-skinned. Since these women didn’t welcome him, he decided to step away temporarily.

At the same time, he thought to himself that Nathan was flirtatious and always had his thoughts entirely on women. How could he have the time to focus on martial arts? Yet, he still wanted to learn martial arts from him. What a joke!

However, just as Emmanuel wanted to leave, he was intercepted by another group of women.

“Hmph, since you’ve barged in, don’t think you can just walk away!”

“That’s right! How long have you been sneaking around? Did you take pictures of us?”

“I just took my clothes off when changing. Did you see everything?”

“Sisters, be careful. Mr. Nathan is possessive and hates having his women being seen naked!”

Upon hearing these voices, Emmanuel wore a helpless expression and quickly explained, “You’re thinking too much. I didn’t peek at you or take any pictures!”


‘Hmph, why should we believe you?”

“That’s right. Our bodies aren’t something a lowly man like you can appreciate!”

“Now that you’ve intruded, don’t think you can leave easily!”

A group of women acted coquettishly in front of Emmanuel. With that, he became really irritated. Since these women wouldn’t let him leave, then he wouldn’t! He casually laid down on a lounge chair, enjoying the beautiful beach scenery. Sure enough, his act made these women even more furious!

“Quick, let’s call someone to deal with him!”

“Yes, I’ll inform Mr. Nathan and have him bring people to punish this guy!”

However, after these women made phone calls, no one appeared for quite a while.

Emmanuel grew bored of waiting and simply closed his eyes. He rested on the lounge chair and tried to adjust to the time difference.

The women looked at him in this state and stomped their feet in frustration because they could not do anything to him for the time being.

After a while, Emmanuel overheard a few women discussing nearby.

“Have you heard? It seems that Mr. Nathan has a very powerful master!”

“Mr. Nathan was born into a prestigious family and received the most elite education since childhood. What’s so special about having a master?”

“You’re right. I don’t know what’s so special about that master, either. But Mr. Nathan respects that master the most. I heard he’s coming, and they’re specifically sending people to the airport to welcome him. He’s also getting a 30 billion welcome gift!”

“Wow, is that true? 30 million just for a meeting?”

The women were all skeptical.

At this moment, a woman wearing a black bikini swam back from the sea.

Chapter 865 The Impotence Rumor of the War God


The woman’s clothing covered very little of her body, and after swimming, it clung tightly to her wet body, making her look incredibly sexy.

Upon hearing the women’s discussion, she didn’t bother drying her hair before strolling over with a smug smile. “You ladies don’t know about this as much as I do!”

“Oh, it’s Ivy coming back!”

“Ivy, do you have anything? Please spill!”

This woman seemed to hold a high status among Nathan’s girlfriends, as many women immediately gathered

around her.

“I heard Mr. Nathan’s master is an incredibly powerful figure from the Northern Region. He is a war god above all else!”

“Really? Is he that formidable?”

“It’s not like those Dragon King novels, where he can command an army of 100,000 with a single order just to build a doghouse, right? Haha!”

The women’s eyes lit up upon hearing Ivy’s words, and they started teasing each other. They were all willing to become Nathan’s girlfriends for money and prestige. If the war god took an interest in them, they would rise to the top and become successful.

“Of course, he’s the real deal, a true war god. Otherwise, how could he earn Mr. Nathan’s respect? Although not as exaggerated as in the Dragon King novels, it’s said that he has defeated several enemy war gods, achieved

enemies. He’s the faith of the soldiers remarkable feats on the battlefield, and struck fear into the hearts of his

in the Northern-Region!” Ivy’s words immediately made the group of beauties yearn for him.

“I want to meet Mr. Nathan’s master!”

“Me too! The legendary war god must be mighty and domineering, right?”

“Let’s clarify first. I don’t want to betray Mr. Nathan, but if he decides to introduce me to his master, would be willing!”

In any case, if they could catch the eye of such a prominent figure, they might not say it out loud, but their status would undoubtedly surpass all the other women present! They might even become the wife of Mr. Nathan’s master!

Emmanuel’s goosebumps rose upon hearing these words, and he became a little wary. Indeed, Nathan could do something like that!


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