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Mistaken Match Marrying the Enigmatic CEO novel Chapter 872

Chapter 871 Clash of Worlds

Emily’s sister couldn’t bear the look in Xylie’s eyes and rushed over to assist her sister, delivering a harsh slap across Xylie’s face.

Her face bore the imprint of five fingers, but suddenly, she fell silent, not uttering a word. Her eyes, however, grew increasingly terrifying.

Emmanuel understood; he had often witnessed this kind of gaze on the battlefield before. It was the look of facing death.

The more Xylie refused to admit defeat, the more it stimulated the Madison sisters’ nerves, fueling their anger.

“You wretched woman, still wearing that expression, huh? I’ll kill you!”

Emily momentarily lost her reason, grabbing a plate from the table and preparing to smash it on Xylie’s head.

The entire room was shocked. Must even a meal turn into a brawl?


Fortunately, at the critical moment, a large hand tightly grasped Emily’s wrist.

Xylie also displayed a surprised expression upon seeing Emmanuel.

How could she encounter this man from Yeternia again?

“Get lost!”

Emmanuel lightly flicked his hand, throwing Emily aside.

It’s understandable for a woman to feel superior, but it’s not acceptable to think she can harm others just because of that!

Emily’s mother and sister hurriedly went to support her.

Then, the three of them stared at Emmanuel with a lifeless gaze, and upon seeing his attire, they displayed a look of disdain.

“Oh, another poor loser!”

“Are you this wretched woman’s boyfriend? That’s truly a perfect match, a wealthy person with a pauper! Hehe…”

“Yuck, the stench of poverty is so unpleasant!”

The Madison sisters knew they couldn’t physically defeat Emmanuel, so they resorted to using words to humiliate him while their mother stood by and watched, evidently condoning their behavior.

Regardless, they didn’t believe that Emmanuel would dare to strike them.


He angrily pointed two fingers at the three women and coldly said, “We’re all here to eat; they’re not spending your money, the river doesn’t interfere with the well, why do you have the right to be so aggressive, and want to drive them away?”

10:30 Fri, 20 Oct


Then, the three of them stared at Emmanuel with a lifeless gaze, and upon seeing his attire, they displayed a Jook of disdain.

“Oh, another



“Are you this wretched woman’s boyfriend? That’s truly a perfect match, a wealthy person with a pauper! Hehe…”

“Yuck, the stench of poverty is so unpleasant!”

The Madison sisters knew they couldn’t physically defeat Emmanuel, so they resorted to using words to humiliate him while their mother stood by and watched, evidently condoning their behavior.

Regardless, they didn’t believe that Emmanuel would dare to strike them.


He angrily pointed two fingers at the three women and coldly said, “We’re all here to eat; they’re not spending your money, the river doesn’t interfere with the well, why do you have the right to be so aggressive, and want to drive them away?”

Xylie had just been slapped and insulted, yet she didn’t shed a tear. However, upon hearing his words, she instantly welled up with tears of grievance.

The onlookers, though feeling superior, still possessed a sense of reason.

They all felt that Emmanuel was not in the wrong; they were dining and not spending a penny of the three women’s money, so what did it have to do with them?

“You! You–”

Emily was rendered speechless by his words. She couldn’t argue logically, but this woman refused to admit defeat and once again shouted, “Someone come! Where is the restaurant manager? Get over here!”

Upon hearing the commotion, a well-dressed lobby manager immediately approached with two security guards.

“Miss, what seems to be the matter?” the manager politely inquired.

“How dare you ask what’s the matter?” Emily, with an air of superiority, scolded the manager, “You still call this a seven-star restaurant? So, anyone can just walk in here? Where’s the class?”

The manager’s eyebrows furrowed as he scrutinized Emily.

She seemed to possess some wealth, but who did she think she was to reprimand him, the lobby manager?

Fortunately, Emily’s mother understood human nature. She didn’t join her daughter in berating the manager but instead proudly stated, “They’re ruining our appetite! Manager, either remove these impoverished people, or we’ll leave and never return to dine here! You figure it out!”

Chapter 872 The Power of the Golden Card

The manager was caught off guard by Emily’s motherl

As a manager, he wanted to achieve performance bonuses!

He knew very well that after Xylie had this meal, she would probably never have another meal. However, it was different for Emily and her mother. They could become regular customers as long as he sided with them.

With this in mind, the manager immediately turned to Emmanuel and said, “Sorry! Both of you-huh?!”

Before he could finish his words, he saw Emmanuel take out a golden card, which stunned him on the spot!

Emmanuel knew what he wanted to say, so he couldn’t let him say it out loud, lest it hurt Xylie again. He had to take out the super VIP card given to him by Nathan to silence this guy!

Emmanuel was furious right now!

He was angry!

Why do I often encounter people who look down on others wherever I go?

What is wrong with the world?

Xylie didn’t steal or rob. She just wants to have a meal with the money she earned. Who did she provoke? Why does she have to be bullied and unfairly treated?

“I’m taking over your restaurant today!”

His expression was cold and stern. As soon as he spoke, it was like a thunderbolt that shocked the entire place!

No one could see what card he took out, and many people even thought he was a fool!

Does he think he could simply take over a seven-star restaurant by saying so?

Xylie was also stunned!

She had worked as a waitress in this restaurant. So, she knew how much it was to take over the restaurant for a day. It was an exorbitant price!

Emmanuel fought for her by doing such a foolish thing.

Does he have the financial means to do that?

However, she noticed that the manager was already trembling!

Emily and her mother were also dumbfounded, staring at the card in Emmanuel’s hand, unable to close their


That was the supreme VIP card of this restaurant!

Rumors had it that only the head of a country or someone as wealthy as a national tycoon could possess it, or else it would be the owner of this restaurant!

Who exactly was this man in front of them? How could he possess this card?

Emmanuel looked at the shocked expressions on Emily and her mother’s faces and couldn’t help but sneer at


That was the supreme VIP card of this restaurant!

Rumors had it that only the head of a country or someone as wealthy as a national tycoon could possess it, or else it would be the owner of this restaurant!

Who exactly was this man in front of them? How could he possess this card?

Emmanuel looked at the shocked expressions on Emily and her mother’s faces and couldn’t help but sneer at them. “Do you think you’re rich?”

The faces of the three women instantly turned as red as a beetroot!

The surrounding diners were shocked by this unexpected turn of events. They turned their attention toward the mother and daughter, pointing and whispering, treating them like clowns without hiding their mocking expressions.

“No! I refuse to believe that this card belongs to him!”

Emily, filled with anger and embarrassment, completely lost her temper. She questioned Emmanuel in front of the manager. “Who do you think you are, fooling us with a card like this? It must be fake!”

Her sister chimed in, “Exactly! Even if it’s real, he must have stolen it! We should call the police and have him arrested!”

The two sisters were smug, thinking they were clever and sure of their victory. They were sure they wouldn’t


Unfortunately, the manager was not as foolish as they were!

This card belonged to his boss, Nathan!

Who would dare steal from Mr. Chapman? Let alone steal and then come to Nathan’s restaurant to spend it. Isn’t that walking into a trap?

If there were someone with such audacity, given Nathan’s personality, he would admire them!

So, no matter how you looked at it, the manager knew Emmanuel was an important guest!

“Ladies, if you do not know the situation, I advise you not to speak recklessly. Otherwise, you won’t be able to bear the consequences!”

As soon as the manager spoke, the two sisters, who thought they were clever, were left speechless.

Even though they were foolish, they knew which side the manager was on!

Seeing their expressions at this moment, Emmanuel inexplicably felt satisfied. If someone took a picture and hung it on the door, it would ward off evil spirits, wouldn’t it?

Chapter 873 Emily and Her Dramatic Family

“Manager, if they refuse to leave, we should not allow them to dine here in the future! Just ask them to leave! This way, they won’t witness anything and won’t lose their appetite!” Emmanuel spoke directly to the manager.

“Yes, sir! I understand what to do!” The manager bowed deeply to him, displaying utmost respect.

This scene left many people dumbfounded once again!

Xylie was no exception. Who exactly is Emmanuel?

Last time in Yeringham, Samuel treated him with great respect. Besides, why would the manager of a seven- star restaurant abroad have to show such deference toward him?

“Ladies who are not welcome, please leave! You are on our restaurant’s blacklist, and we will no longer serve you in the future!” The manager tookja firm stance.

Furthermore, he believed that the Madison Family’s three women were merely nouveau riche and would not amount to much. These individuals also loved flaunting their superiority, oblivious that many others were even more impressive than them!

“What? Mom, what should we do?” Emily’s younger sister looked at her mother in panic, feeling embarrassed.

Emily and her mother wanted to continue causing a scene, shouting and screaming, accusing others of bullying them, and even starting a fight!

Unfortunately, it was all in vain!

The manager promptly had the security guards escort them out!

They could still hear the laughter of the customers inside, mocking them as the security guard kicked them out.

“Haha, look at them flaunting their superiority! Thinking they’re so important?”

“They even threatened the manager. Who do they think they are? Does this seven-star restaurant need their patronage?”

“Haha, look at their expressions, unable to accept reality. Acting like clowns, thinking the world revolves around them!”


After hearing these voices, the three women were on the verge of losing their minds!

However, what else could they do? They had already disgraced themselves. If they continued causing a scene, they would only embarrass themselves further. They could only grit their teeth and leave!

“Sir, shall I open our best private room for you? Would you like to have a meal with this young lady?” The manager’s attention was not on the three women at all.

In his eyes, the three women were mere clowns, and Emmanuel was the revered god!

He wouldn’t be worthy of being the manager of a seven-star restaurant if he didn’t possess this level of insight and judgment.

“Xylle, would you like to join me?” He invited her.

10:30 Fri, 20 Oct 0

“Haha, look at them flaunting their superiority! Thinking they’re so important?”

“They even threatened the manager. Who do they think they are? Does this seven-star restaurant need their patronage?”

“Haha, look at their expressions, unable to accept reality. Acting like clowns, thinking the world revolves around



After hearing these voices, the three women were on the verge of losing their minds!

However, what else could they do? They had already disgraced themselves. If they continued causing a scene, they would only embarrass themselves further. They could only grit their teeth and leave!

“Sir, shall I open our best private room for you? Would you like to have a meal with this young lady?” The manager’s attention was not on the three women at all.

In his eyes, the three women were mere clowns, and Emmanuel was the revered god!

He wouldn’t be worthy of being the manager of a seven-star restaurant if he didn’t possess this level of insight. and judgment.

“Xylie, would you like to join me?” He invited her.

Her emotions were so complex, her eyes flickering with uncertainty!

She wanted to enjoy her meal peacefully, but now she had become the center of attention. She would inevitably attract attention if she continued to dine in the main dining area.

After contemplating for a moment, she nodded and entered the exquisite private room with him.

The elegance of this private room was undoubtedly on par with the Serenity Resort he had previously visited. It was even more luxurious, clearly designed for top-tier elites like Nathan.

As Xylie entered, everything that was happening now felt surreal!

Delicious dishes quickly filled the table. There was even a professional violinist playing beautiful live music!

To ensure she wasn’t dreaming, she discreetly pinched her thigh.

Unexpectedly, Emmanuel noticed this detail.

He smiled and asked, “Are you okay?”

Xylie was at a loss for words for a moment. She could only offer a beautiful yet bitter smile.

As she continued to smile, tears suddenly streamed down her face!

Bonus Reached

Chapter 874 Murderer

“Ms. Tanner, are you alright?” Emmanuel was taken aback by Xylie’s unusual behavior.

She appears to be perfectly fine. Why is she acting so strangely?

“I-I’m fine!” Noticing that she had lost control of her emotions, she quickly wiped away her tears.

She forced a smile. “Mr. Lowe, thank you once again for helping me. No one has ever been so kind to me.”

Realizing that she cried because she was touched, Emmanuel finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Xylie’s words startled him again. “If I have a second life, I am willing to serve you for a lifetime! It’s impossible for this lifetime. Please forgive me.”


Emmanuel, who had just relaxed, couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“Ms. Tanner, are you sick?” he asked instinctively.

Putting his medical knowledge to use, he observed Xylie’s complexion. It didn’t seem like she had a terminal illness. It could be slight malnutrition at most.

She shook her head before nodding profusely. “Yes, I’m beyond saving! No one can save me.”

He was really confused by her words. “I know medicine, so why don’t you let me check on you?”

“No, thanks! As I said, no one can save me.” She refused his kind offer and started eating voraciously.

He silently watched her.

He could tell that the woman in front of him was gentle and pure. Yet, she couldn’t care less about her image at all. It was as if this meal was her last!

“Ms. Tanner, take your time. There’s no need to rush.” Emmanuel couldn’t help but slow her down.

Xylie burst into tears again.

“Now, now. You don’t need to hold them back. Just let your emotions out.” He casually gave a tip to the violinist and asked them to leave the scene.

He knew that something was plaguing her. She might feel better after saying it aloud.

“Ms. Tanner, if you have something on your mind, you can tell me if you want to. You can consider me a friend.”

Emmanuel felt that they had some kind of connection. They had met three times despite being complete strangers.

Xylie also felt the same way. Emmanuel had saved her three times today!

That was why she felt closer to him than others.

After thinking for a moment, she lowered her head. Tears were still pooling in her eyes. “Mr. Lowe, don’t be surprised by what I’m about to tell you. I am a bad woman. I-I am actually a murderer.”



He’silently watched her.

He could tell that the woman in front of him was gentle and pure. Yet, she couldn’t care less about her image at all. It was as if this meal was her last!

“Ms. Tanner, take your time. There’s no need to rush.” Emmanuel couldn’t help but slow her down.

Xylie burst into tears again.

“Now, now. You don’t need to hold them back. Just let your emotions out.” He casually gave a tip to the violinist and asked them to leave the scene.

He knew that something was plaguing her. She might feel better after saying it aloud.

“Ms. Tanner, if you have something on your mind, you can tell me if you want to. You can consider me a friend.”

Emmanuel felt that they had some kind of connection. They had met three times despite being complete strangers.

Xylie also felt the same way. Emmanuel had saved her three times today!

That was why she felt closer to him than others.

After thinking for a moment, she lowered her head. Tears were still pooling in her eyes. “Mr. Lowe, don’t be surprised by what I’m about to tell you. I am a bad woman. I-I am actually a murderer.”

Oh my! How could Emmanuel not be surprised? He was shocked.

It wasn’t that he was afraid of murderers. He couldn’t believe that Xylie, such a delicate beauty, would be a


“Who did you kill?” he asked inquisitively.

“I-I killed my foster father.” Xylie didn’t hide the truth.

She closed her eyes and breathed, “I took out all my savings tonight just to have my last meal here.

“I can’t accept it. Why do I have to be mocked even for my last meal after living in poverty all my life? If it weren’t for meeting you, Mr. Lowe, I might have been kicked out tonight. And wouldn’t even get to enjoy my last delicious meal!”

So, that’s the reason! Emmanuel nodded, finally understanding why she was having dinner here.

Indeed, there was always a reasonable explanation behind illogical things.

“But why did you kill your foster father?” He was curious.

“…” She found it difficult to speak up. After looking at him briefly, she lightly bit her lip and said, “He was drunk that night and pinned me down. My foster mother saw it and fought with him. He beat her to a pulp, so L.. I

Chapter 875 Pursult

Xylie trembled violently and began to choke up whenever she talked about her past.

Emmanuel quickly comforted her. “Alright, if you don’t want to talk about it, then don’t.”

She truly is a woman with a tragic fate! Every time he encounters her, she is suffering. This fate is simply cursed by God.

“Mr. Lowe, you’re also from Yeringham. Why don’t you call the police and have them arrest me?” She looked at Emmanuel with teary eyes. With a faint smile, she said, “I don’t want to run away anymore. I’m tired. Please end my life for me.”

He frowned. He didn’t know her story, but he still tried to persuade her. “What nonsense are you talking about? It was self-defense. You won’t receive a heavy sentence even if you turn yourself in.”

She smiled bitterly. Not only was she afraid of this matter, but she also didn’t confess everything to Emmanuel.

Her life was complicated and mysterious. She couldn’t explain everything in such a short time.

“Mr. Lowe, I want to go to the restroom to wash my face.” Xylie suddenly stood up and was about to leave the private lounge.

Emmanuel nodded.

After she had left the private lounge for a while, he felt that something was not right with her.

He quickly followed her and asked the restaurant manager, only to find out that she hadn’t gone to the

restroom at all!

At this moment, Xylie had already walked out of the restaurant. She was hanging her head low, facing her sorrowful expression to the ground.


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