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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58

for wished she would remain vowell the next day, but she

had created She walked into her offer call a little groggy Mexander med she stay at home ber die thought here Mice Aries words echoed is her head as she settled into her r

“Coffer” she mumbled while massaging het temples. She really did not feel well, but the preferend hiding in her offfein staying with him in his room in his bed. She could not fathom how she survived the right after that me nunder. All de ännu

that he seemed to enjoy teasing her-ador

Shed how her heart raced or how he blushed despite feeling unwell. He eastly made her feel like seenager and

Fliked it: Miss Amores placed the coffee in front of her

hotoshoot this afternoon, night” Sota asked

lerything has been prepared. The location has been decorated well. I sent mages of the decorations done by our Lest might to your tablet Miss Amores said handing her a tablet

Right Soha examined the images and nodded “Good” Then, she took a sip of her hot coffee, hoping it would make her feel better or at least more awake.

“Mis Mr. Lockhart called this morning. He said he would drop by and talk to you Shall I let him inë”

“Let him in.” Sotia sand. Her grandmother assured her she would take care of Lawrence, but it was not yet the time Her grandmother told her that someone might be supporting Lawrence from behind the scenes, and she wanted those people to “come out before making her move. Miss Amores nodded.

“Herr ́s the thing you asked me to find the other day,” Miss Amores handed her a folder. Sota’s expression froze:

“You found something” she asked. The to her current situation, he had to limit her contact with Karma. However, there were various ways for them to exchange information and one of them was through her secretary

Her secretary checked her email and scheduled her day, having access to most of Sofia’s things. Moreover. Alexander toid her that she could trust Miss Amores. So, she had asked Karma to contact Miss Amores directly, and the latter would take care of it. One of their codes was to inform her about the thing she asked Miss Amores to find

She quickly opened the folder and soon saw a lot of details. The more she read, the ugher her expression became. It seemed Lawrence had been busy for quite a long time now. Soha had already tured her driver, but she could not find any logical reason to fire the Production Manager Mrs Phelps, as she could not und anything against the woman. She had asked Miss Amores to look into the woman’s mancial records reports, and previous projects, but she could not and proof that the woman was working for Lawrence

The leak she found earlier could not be used against Mrs Phelps the woman was working under LH Design, a subsidiary LH Group Mrs Phelps could simply use this fact to her advantage, claiming she provided vital information to the C00 of 11 Group

Because of this Sofia had been doing her best to find something else-something that could finally nail this woman down

“Call Mrs. Phelps and have security on standby, Sofia said, her tice serious

Finally, Karina found something! It turned out that Mrs Phelps had been secretly colluding with a rival company to steal LH Designs innovative product designs Instead of being committed to her company’s success, she had been tunneling confidential information about upcoming products, manufacturing processes, and technological advancements to a competitor.

To cover her tracks, Mrs. Phelps had set up a network of nuddlegen who acted as intermediaries between her and the rival company. These middlemen discreetly provided the stolen information in exchange for hefty sums of money. The rival


Chapter 38


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