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My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift novel Chapter 104


  “N-No…” Roxanne muttered.

  She was so close. Just a second more, no… Maybe even less and she would have gotten him.

  “You couldn’t land your hit, that's too bad..” Damien said, turning to face her.

  Roxanne glared at him with caution. Did he already anticipate this? Was that why he didn’t make any moves while she wanted to attack? She had felt like things were going too well for her, but could it be that he was just playing along because of the time.

  “You should have taken time into account when you were formulating your plan” Damien commented.

  “I have to admit though… You're not bad”

  What did this mean? Did he finally acknowledge her?

  “Rita, what do you think?” Damien turned to their timekeeper.

  “Roxy, you did great… Better than most on their first try. I was low-key rooting for you, but I knew you wouldn’t have landed that hit on Damien. You could tell, right? His speed is out of this world.” Rita said.

  “Y-Yeah, I noticed,” Roxanne admitted.

  “I can’t believe I thought I could actually beat this guy in the past. Even with werewolf powers boosting me, I still can't do anything," Roxanne thought to herself.

  “Don’t be so down, you passed the test after all” Damien said, slightly nudging her shoulder.

  Roxanne smiled and nodded. Yes, she admitted she didn’t win the match, but she had gotten recognition from this man in front of her… That was not enough for her, but it was a start.

  "I'll make you eat your words one day though," She said to him with a determined smile.

  “I await the day, sweetheart.” He laughed.

  Since they were done with the test, they all ventured inside. Not long after, Dax arrived. He looked surprised and happy to see Damien, and they both went out after greetings to talk about whatever Damien had to report.


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