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My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate novel Chapter 12

Monday after school, I went straight home and barged into my room. Saying that I was bored, was completely a understatement. No one was home, so I had no one to torment. I changed out of my school clothes and pulled on a Jean shorts and my longest sweatshirt. I opened a can of strawberry jam and stuck my finger in it. I know, I know, it's disgusting and I'll mannered, but I just love strawberry jam. In the meantime, I popped a packet of popcorn in the fridge and took a spoon out of the drawer in the kitchen and dropped myself on the couch. I opened Netflix and scanned through movies to watch.

"Hmm, let's see. What's good to watch?", I asked myself. Riverdale caught my eye, so I clicked on it and started watching it.

My phone started ringing and I got up to answer it.

"Hello", I blurted into the phone, a bit irritated because Riverdale was getting good.

"Emerald!", my mom's voice called from the phone. "Mom, why are you calling my phone. Are you in an accident? Did you crash into a truck? Oh, God, mom please tell me you're alright."

"Emerald honey, you are too dramatic", my mom laughed through the phone. " Can you come down to the store please?"

"Sure. Give me five minutes." I hanged up the phone and went upstairs to change. When I looked slightly better, I ran downstairs where there was smoke flooding the kitchen. The fire alarm was going crazy and I saw smoke pouring out of the microwave.

"Oh shit", I cursed. The popcorn! I grabbed a pot holder and opened the microwave door, cautiously, just incase anything flew up in my face.

I grabbed the burning packet of popcorn and threw it in the sink, and turned on the tap.

I tried swatting away the smoke and soon enough, the kitchen didn't smell so much like smoke anymore.

I grabbed my car keys and got in my car and started driving to my parent's store.

In a few minutes, I parked outside and opened the door.

"Emerald!", an almost familiar voice announced my arrival.

It was Melissa, my mom's friend.

"Hi Melissa, nice to see you", I said as my air supply was cut short for a millisecond. You know, they love to kill you while hugging you.


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