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My Dreamy Old Husband novel Chapter 1497

Theo went home with his granddaughter on the bicycle. The moment he stepped in the door, he spotted Bailey, whom he hadn’t seen in two months, having a staring match with Cooper. Upon seeing him, he snorted and went into the house. After all, he was also at his wits’ end when it came to this thick-skinned old grandson-in-law of his.

When Sophia saw that they’d come home, she rushed out jubilantly and said to Carmen, “You’re home, sweetie? Quick, come here and have a look! Bailey brought you back gifts from abroad!”

At the sight of the green-eyed goblin sitting on the sofa in the living room, Casper instantly saw red. Didn’t he go back to Europe? Why is he here again?

“You’re back, Bailey!” Upon seeing Bailey, Carmen instantly hustled over in delight. On the other hand, Bailey merely nodded. Having not seen him for two months, he seemed to have grown even more handsome, exuding a novel and enticing aura! Carmen mused.

“Come here. I brought a gift back for you.” At Bailey’s beckoning, Carmen eagerly hurried over.

Meanwhile, Casper was enraged. How weak-willed!

Unexpectedly, Bailey then added, “I brought back gifts for all of you.” At the side of the sofa was a huge pile of gifts that were all exquisitely wrapped and adorned with ribbon flowers.

When Carmen opened her gift, she was immediately stunned speechless. “Wow! Is this what I think it is? Oh my God, this is an out-of-print CD! How did you get this?”

“I asked a friend to find it,” Bailey answered.

Carmen was over the moon. Recently, she got obsessed with a rock band that was popular 20 years ago and had been collecting the CDs they released back then, but regretfully, there was one she searched for a long time but to no avail. Never had I thought that he would actually find it! “Thank you, Bailey!” She was so gleeful that she almost jumped up and gave him a smacking kiss.

At the side, Poppy interjected sourly, “Ah, how nice it is to receive gifts!”

To her surprise, Bailey looked at her and said, “This is for you, Poppy.” Then, he took out a gift box and handed it to her.

Poppy was stunned. “For me?” Still unable to believe it, she looked around in puzzlement before Sophia explained smilingly, “Everyone gets a gift!”

The old son-in-law was indeed zealous, for he brought back gifts for everyone, including Anna, Cooper, and Carmen’s uncles. Despite Cooper’s staring match with Bailey earlier, he hugged his gift to his chest, reluctant to put it down for even a second. Bailey’s gift to him was a handwritten score from his favorite pianist back when he was young, so he truly loved it. Meanwhile, Poppy got a set of Western-European non-mainstream fashionable clothes, and she seemed besotted as well. Bailey even had gifts for Carmen’s friends, including Casper, Nathan, and the others.

He distributed the gifts one by one. At the end of it, he took out a tiny gift and waved a beckoning hand toward the back of the house. “Judge!”

Woof! A husky scampered out in a mad flurry. Then, Bailey unwrapped the gift to reveal an adorable ball. Gratified, Judge left with it in its mouth.

“Tangerine! Orange! Lemon! Gordon! Goldstein!” Upon hearing their names, the few orange cats padded over, meowing all the way. Bailey seemed to know each of them and was even familiar with their respective preferences, having a gift for every single one of them; some of them had gotten collars, while others got clothes.

Chapter 1497 1

Chapter 1497 2

Chapter 1497 3


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