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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215

“My sister wants to give you some money. It’s not too much to ask if I’m trying to find out whether you’re telling the truth, right?” Ashlyn asked while gazing at the anxious-looking man. “You look so scared. Could it be that you’re so impressive that you’ve received lots of scholarship money or fame? Or could it be that you’re up to no good and I might find out?”

The man’s eyes flashed. “What are you talking about?” he growled.

Naomi had initially been so moved to tears by this man’s story.

But upon seeing how he was stammering after being asked a few questions by Ashlyn, she slowly regained her senses.

It was clear that there was something wrong with this guy.

It was no wonder Ashlyn said to do better in school.

Naomi swore to put more effort into her studies from now on.

At this moment, Jared returned the call. “There isn’t a Jeremy Halliwell, Boss. The principal of University T said this name doesn’t exist.”

Ashlyn turned the phone into speaker mode. “But there’s a Jeremy Halliwell from University T standing right in front of me, saying he has sepsis and comes from a poor family!”

Jared hurriedly replayed the conversation he just had with the principal of University T. “Jeremy Halliwell? Give me a minute. I’ll look up the student records,” said the principal in a matured tone.

His voice rang out again two minutes later. “Nope. We used to have a Jeremy Halliwell ten years ago, but he’s long graduated. There isn’t another Jeremy Halliwell currently enrolled here.”

“Thank you, Sir. I’ll thank you in person another time,” Jared responded.

The young man instantly turned pale and his lip quivered.

He took a step back, thinking to run away.

Yet, Ashlyn stared at him frostily. “Did you hear that? You’re nothing but a fraud. There isn’t a Jeremy Halliwell in University T. I guess you’re using a fake name too.”

“What’s with your nonsense?” the man retorted. “No one even knows if that was really the principal of University T! You could be using a random phone conversation to mess with me.”

Naomi glared at him with rage. “To think that I actually believed you, you liar! How dare you try to fool me with some made-up story of yours?”

Their squabble began to attract the attention of other guests.

Even Sienna walked over with Lisa.

Having been caught red-handed, ‘Jeremy’ frantically turned and attempted to flee.

But there was no way Ashlyn would let him off so easily.


With a stretch of her leg, the man fell to the ground.

Why does she have to be such a busybody? Sienna silently cursed. Everyone else couldn’t stop feeling sorry and donating after hearing the men’s stories.


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