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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 392

Chapter 392

Lucas’ face suddenly clouded over. He lifted her chin to raise her delicate and fair face.

He smirked coldly. “Sooner or later, Ashlyn, you’ll be my wife again.”

He pinched her chin a little harder, his eyes turning cold. “Don’t try to run away from me, Ashlyn. As I said, you can only be my wife for the rest of your life.”

Under his intimidating stance, Ashlyn looked up at him. This man is not only manic but also crazy and delusional.

He still dreams that I will still marry him! Hahaha! What a big joke!

Does he think he’s so awesome and attractive that I will want to marry him again and again?

Dream on!

She smirked and said, with a mocking look on her face, “You sure are a domineering president. Do you really think I will remarry you tomorrow just because you say something so domineering?”

“Do you want to marry someone else, Ashlyn? Is it the masked man? Who on earth is he?” There was a hint of irritability in Lucas’ eyes.

Ashlyn had almost forgotten that this man was an arrogant maniac.

She never knew that her words would provoke him.

“Let go of me! Does who I’m marrying have anything to do with you? I’ll marry anyone but you,” said Ashlyn irritably. There was no love between them. To put it harshly, they were just taking what they needed from each other.

What on earth does he want?

She was now in a particularly upset and confused mood. She merely wanted to find out the whereabouts of her mother and sister; she had no interest in dating at all.

She really didn’t have time to argue with Lucas.

The look in the man’s eyes was getting deranged, accompanied by a vague trace of anger, as if it would be let loose and would sweep over her in the next second.

Before Ashlyn could react, her body was suddenly lifted in the air. The man carried her and strode towards the lounge of her office.

The man kicked open the door with a bang and threw her on the bed.

He then pressed his body against hers.

Holding her firmly in his arms, he managed to restrain her even though she was kicking her legs and struggling.


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