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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 30



Earlier, I wasn't able to recall, but now that I have seen her up so close and some of my memories, I suddenly started to remember a few things.


I remembered how she was there when I had fallen into the lake and my adoptive parents were inside the Lakeside house preparing dinner for me. It was she who had protected me but had disappeared in thin air after that. I had always thought it was just my illusion.


I remembered that on my 18th birthday, I had met her on my way back to the house after grocery shopping and had lent her some money as she had appeared as a beggar in front of me. 


At that time she had held my hand and a weird mark was left after she removed her hand. The mark was still there. I remembered her words from back then. She had said,

"This is my gift, for your 18th birthday." 



Feeling myself becoming hotter with each second, I opened my eyes and looked at my hands which looked alien to me. 


I could see some strange violet light around my hands as the scorching heat started to envelop my whole existence.


"A violent light?  Doesn't this means..." She started but stopped mid-sentence before nodding her head as if coming into agreement with something she thought.


"Easy their child. We wouldn't want to turn those hands in other's direction." She warned me before looking at me with keen eyes.


"Keep your hands on the ground like that. Looks like your powers are handling their intensity, just fine by themselves." That old lady smiled before she came near me and put her hands on my shoulders, as she asked me to channel all the power into the ground. 


I did as she told me. I pressed my hands further into the ground, as a violent ring started to form near my hands. It was growing larger and larger as I felt some of my heat leaving my body.


I could feel the ground shaking below me. 


I don't know what was happening. All I knew was that I was feeling scared. I don't know who I was, or specifically what I was? All I know is I had been living in a bundle of lies all my life. 


I had to part away from my parents because of some shitty things that they weren't even ready to tell me. The pain they had to go through. The judgment and suspicious eyes I had to face all my life because I was different. It all started piling suddenly.


All my life I had been thinking it was my fault for being different, that I was being punished. It wasn't until I came in contact with my powers and Carla did I started feeling sane again.


"Aahhhhh.…" I shouted on top of my lungs, to stop my emotions, as I saw suddenly the violet energy spreading all around me before it rose in the air making large pillars like things around me, and with a large boom sound, the pillars came near me forming a cage-like thing.


"Sshhh... Don't be scared. They are just trying to protect you. From now on you'll have to act accordingly with them. They'll go to any extent to protect you, even if it means taking someone's life." She told me as she patted my head coaxing.


"At least, now I know why my daughter didn't tell you about anything. I am sorry Victoria. I am sorry. First I triggered the activation of your energy and now I had opened the gate that was stopping your powers from affecting your life." The old lady said as she squatted down close to me.


"It's okay grandma. As you have said, one day or another I had to know about them. It's better sooner than later." I said as I smiled at her reassuringly.


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