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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 43


"I.…I..." I started, not knowing what to say.

"Why the hell are you guys scaring her? Don't you know that mates have telepathic communication?" Daniel said as he rushed towards my side, before taking my hand in his own.

"You don't need to be scared. I got you." He said, smiling at me.

That's the exact reason, why I always say, I feel a sense of security when I am around him because I know, he will always have my back.

"Leave her hand. This has nothing to do with that. Besides, are you insane? Are your 'were' hormones reacting too much now, that you've been left without a mate for this long?" Alexander said as he pulled me toward him, holding my hand firmly in his.

"Look Alexander, I don't want to disappoint you, but I also have feelings for her. And they are real. You feel it too, don't you? I respect you because you are my alpha king, but that doesn't mean I'll bow down to you, even when the love of my life is at stake." Daniel said as he pulled me towards him.

'So currently, one of my hands was in Alexander's grip and one in Daniel's.

Why am I the only one targeted every time? Can't I have a decent night?' I thought silently weeping in my head.

"Leave her hand!" 

"You, leave her hand!"

"She is my mate, Alexander."

"She is your Luna queen Daniel." 

Both of them started fighting while playing tug of war with me.

"Umm..guys, I don't really think, this is the best way to decide that. I am both of your mates. So I will appreciate it if you can leave my hands." I said, trying to pull my hands, while my legs were dangling in the air now.

"You are mine!" Both of them said simultaneously.

Looking at my current condition, I remembered fighting with a friend of mine, when I was little. She had this beautiful doll that I wanted to play with, but she wasn't allowing me, and I had started the tug of war game just like now. 

Now that I think about it, that doll Becky must've felt the same way, like I am right now.

'Dolls can't think.' Suddenly a voice echoed in my head, which made me roll my eyes at her.

I know she isn't going to help me. The best she can do right now is to keep her mouth shut.

"Guys, what I am trying to say is that we can talk like civilians and shouldn't get involved in fighting and all that stuff," I said trying to reason with them.

As I looked above, I noticed both of them engaged in a tough staring competition. 

They think this is fun, ain't they?

As I was still forming reasons for them, to leave my hands, I suddenly felt a burning sensation bubbling inside me and knew that if I don't react fast, something else will decide to react. 

And unlike earlier, where Daniel saved me from that telepathic incident, I am sure, no one will take my side when my hands will start oozing fire.

"Alexander hunter and Daniel! You better out me down, or I swear I am never going to talk to you guys!" I shouted, and they immediately left my hands.

Did I mention earlier, that my legs were dangling in the air? So now, that they left me like that, what was supposed to happen? You are right. I fell right on my butt.

"You morons!" I shouted, as I massaged my butt, which was hurting for real.

"Oh, I am so sorry, Victory," Alexander said, as he helped me up, and before he could say anything, I was snatched in Daniel's arms.

God! Not again!

"Okay, since you are soo sure, that she is sure mate. I am gonna prove it, that's she isn't." Alexander said.

Before anyone of us could react to his words, he suddenly pulled me towards himself and kissed my cheek.


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