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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 156

Chapter 0156

“I wouldn’t dream of doing that, besides...”

I have the ability to link both of you even though you cannot respond Marnie. Please be careful of your accusations before you start letting them fly out of your mouth without any real thought. Gamma Brett links both of us. Her eyes go wide. I don’t think she has ever been called out like that before, so used to getting away with flippant comments like that. He was far more calm than I would have been after days of her holding us back. She's trying, but it’s not any less frustrating.

‘Sky to answer your question, we have started to think of those possibilities and work through them, and no, we would not use anyone as bait unknowingly.

Marnie’s eyes go wide at the mention of people being used as ‘bait.’ I nod and we continue. Marnie makes no more comments or even asks what my question was.

The only good thing is her and Jeanie at least took my notes seriously and they have actually started participating in training, but they are years behind, which is painful for everyone involved.

The five hour shifts are only slightly less painful than the first day with her, and to think, I have three more weeks of this rotation. I’m so overjoyed.

We head back to the patrol cabin and check in before we all go our separate ways. I head off to Saturday morning training with the pups. They should actually be close to wrapping the first session up with the younger kids when I get there. It feels like forever since I have seen these kids, with the trials and the lockdown and can’t wait to catch up with them. I didn’t realize how much I would miss training with them. Getting to see their excited faces when they finally master something they have been working on forever.

When I walk into the arena, training is in full effect and for the first time ever, I just stop to watch the beauty that is my pack. Each of the guys and Sierra have taken a group and they appear to be teaching release techniques for close combat. Everyone is sweaty and red-faced, but happy and engaged.


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