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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 169

Chapter 0169

The first time I heard my wolf since coming to the hospital made me almost fall out of my bed.

Oh my sweet girl, there you are, I've been trying to talk to you for days. I was lost in a kind of foggy haze for a really long time. I'm not really sure what happened.

We were attacked. That's what happened. Kaley got to us right before the Mating Ball. How much do you remember before you disappeared?

I remember being in the locker room and you were being chickensh*t about going to this dance with the boys, and I remember heading towards the door.

That's the last thing that I remember.

Did you scent anyone before you disappeared? You don't remember detecting anybody coming anywhere near us? That's one thing that we are really good at and I can’t figure out how we missed it. Neither of us had any warning.

No, I didn't scent anyone coming near us. That's why I was taken off guard.

That's what I figured. Doc Sylvia is going to have a field day with that information. Somehow somebody has been moving around our pack masking their scent. I think that's how the first threat was able to leave those Luna’s fingers and nobody was able to figure out who it was. And I think that's what happened every time I got jumped in the hallway, I never saw it coming. I never thought of it until now but that's the only way that I would have been attacked and not been able to at least react.

I think you're right my dear girl, you're going to have to fill me in on what has been going on for the last...

how long have I been out?

I filled my wolf in on everything that had happened since the day in the locker room. I can't believe it's been almost a month already. She was appalled by what had happened to us and the few things that I can remember. She is very amused by Sierra’s parents and keeps trying to push me to talk more about Kaley and everything that has happened with them, saying they would understand and just listen. She also said it would help them with healing me to know all the details of all of my attacks. I wasn’t buying it and told her the same thing I told Warrior Osiston, Kaley isn’t worth the irritation of bringing her up over and over again.


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