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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 246

Chapter 0246

“You really don't do any of the girly things do you? I thought maybe you were just being shy.” She calls back through the door.

“Nope, this is nothing I have ever experienced before. My nanny wasn't allowed to give me anything that might make me spoiled or ungrateful. And I've really only felt comfortable on the training field and none of this stuff is necessary."

“It’s okay though, right? We're not making you too uncomfortable are we? I really never thought to ask how you feel about all of this."

“It's fine, Luna Anne, just new to me that’s all. I really don't want to make a fool of myself, but it feels like some of these girls have been training in dress wearing and speaking topics the way that I have been training in battle strategy and I don't want to embarrass you or Alpha Reggie.” I say as I finally step out and grab a fluffy soft white towel to dry off with.

I step out to where they all are. They have seen every part of me today, so I have become less shy around these ladies.

“Oh, sweet girl, you could never embarrass us. You are unique and amazing in your own way and many of the girls here are trying to fit into a mold that the old fuddy duddies have decided is what a young woman should be. Just keep being your amazing self.”


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