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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 264

Her dad immediately looks to Alpha Reggie for confirmation. “Do you have plans for Skylar this morning? Or can we let the girls have their fun before lunch? I mean, if she’s anything like Mina, they’ll figure out a way to make it happen anyway.” He shrugs and all of the adults laugh while Mina and I just roll our eyes, he isn’t wrong.

“That sounds excellent! Skylar hasn’t had a chance to see the grounds really, her training started abruptly and she hasn’t had much downtime since she started. Take Oscar with you though since you can’t mindlink with us, just in case and be back by lunch.” Alpha Reggie offers.

“What about me?” Xander sounds incredulous.

“You, my dear son and future King, have duties today. We are still meeting with the Elders to go over all of the results of yesterday’s conferences and I’m sure they will want to revisit your mate situation, since it is the only topic they haven’t gotten their way on in a very long time.” The look that passes between them is a serious one and I can tell other words are being said over mindlink about it.

I really want to know what is going on and why in the world the Elders think they have so much power and say in everything. They are advisors chosen to give opinions to the kings so he can make informed decisions about large matters for the kingdom. They are liaisons for the different packs in the kingdom. Clearly many of them have become lazy, self important and self righteous, but I wish Alpha Reggie would just shut them down. Maybe that’s what this meeting will be. A respectful shut down of their stupid notions that Xander should take a chosen mate done behind closed doors so no one is embarrassed or ridiculed.

Mina and I don’t hesitate to jump from our seats, Oscar follows more slowly. He is clearly not used to being separated from Xander, but he also can’t call attention to their relationship yet. They need their Luna first.


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