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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 343

Wednesday I woke up to a text from Tyler.

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: Good Morning Beautiful

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: Can I still work out with you?

Me: No normal person is up at this time.

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: You’re up…

Me: Like I said no normal person is up at this time

Me: People usually yell at me for getting up this early

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: I couldn’t sleep

Me: Why?

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: I thought you talking to me might have been a dream

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: I needed to check, and you never answered the question

Me: Sure, I’ll be there in about 10 min

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: Can I pick you up?

Me: I usually run, I like getting my warm-up in before I get there

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: Can I run with you?

Me: Sure, how long will it take you to get here?


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