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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 346

“What the hell was that all about?”

“He was trying to get you to avoid the run for some reason.” Mina chimes in. “But what does he have to lose or gain if you don’t go?”

“He seemed overly angry for something so small.”

“It’s possible you are getting in the way of something he is trying to accomplish. Maybe he wants Tyler to get involved with another female and he’s distracted by you. Maybe you are keeping them from bringing in girls. There haven’t been any missing persons reports in a while.” Nickolas chimes in.

“Whatever it is, now I have to go, don't I? It’s too suspicious to stay away.”

“Something is going down and either you are going to be in the way or a distraction or they don’t want you to see whatever it is that they are doing.” Osiston says. “Keep communication going with Tyler, make sure he knows you’re going tomorrow and don’t give him any reason to uninvite you.” The threat in that statement alone had me moving faster to get home.

I walk into a fully mobilized kitchen. The entire island is covered in screens and wires with five people I have never seen before surrounding it clicking rapidly through different camera views. I can smell coffee, fresh and slightly burnt which means William is here somewhere. He likes it thick like tar and there is always an acrid burnt smell for days after he’s been here. It’s both endearing and terrible.

“Hey Midge!” I turn to a familiar voice I haven’t heard in a very long time.

“Wyatt!!” I ran to give him a hug. I wrap my arms around him and hug him like the teddy bear he is. “What are you doing here?”

“Sounds like you got up to some trouble and need back up.” He winks at me.


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