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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 415

She gestures toward a massive, weathered book that seems to emanate a soft glow. I know that wasn’t here when I sat down. “Let’s start with a little history. I thought a crash course would be better, but you seem to be the more in depth type of person.” She winks at me so I know she is just teasing, but I can’t always read her expressions. She opens the book to show pages filled with ornate, handwritten script covering every inch of surface on each page. It is like a diary, with notes in the margins and different colored inks splashed everywhere. The additions show the passing of time and how magic has adapted with the changing world around us.

“Magic is the essence of the world itself, a force that binds everything together. It has existed since the dawn of time. It's an energy that flows through the earth, the air, the water, and the fire. We witches, we are but vessels that channel this power. Which is why all new witches start with elemental magic. You will learn to harness this power to shape reality, to heal, to protect, and sometimes, to challenge the very fabric of existence.”

I take a deep breath in, not breaking eye contact with her. She seems like she is looking into my very soul and testing it to see if I am one of those light or dark people.

She goes on like we didn’t just have a staring contest, turning the page slowly and dramatically. “Magic is a responsibility, a dance with forces beyond our comprehension. It requires respect, balance, and an understanding of the delicate threads that weave our reality. Elemental magic is a dance with the forces that shape the very core of our world. It is our most basic and yet most important knowledge. There are four primary elements, each with its unique energy and essence.” She turns the page again, this time to a beautiful page that looks like it was hand painted with the finest metallic paints depicting the four elements. The pictures almost come to life off the page. “Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Mastering their interplay is the key to unlocking the depths of elemental magic. Earth is in your blood, so it should be the easiest for you to tap into, but they all connect and interweave with each other.

She turns the page. “Earth, the foundation of all. It holds the stability of mountains, the flexibility of forests, and the resilience of life itself. To connect with the earth is to harness strength and grounding.” She turns the page again and I swear I see dirt slide off onto the table. “Water, the source of life. It flows with the tides of emotion, adapting to every contour. To master water is to understand the ebb and flow of energy, to heal, cleanse, and find serenity.” Another page turns and this time I smell the sea. “Air, the breath of existence. It carries whispers of the past and dreams of the future. To command the air is to harness the power of thought, communication, and the unseen currents that shape destiny.” A piece of my hair blows with the next page turn. “Fire, the spark of transformation. It consumes and purifies, giving birth to new beginnings. To wield fire is to embrace passion, creativity, and the ability to forge one's own destiny.” The final page turn sends a wave of heat towards my face. I don’t know if that was the book or her emphasizing the element's powers, but I am hooked. I want to devour this book. “But remember, true mastery lies in finding the harmony among these elements. Their balance is the key to unlocking the full potential of elemental magic. Now, embark on this journey with respect and reverence.” She closes the book and passes it to me.

“Thank you for this, for everything.” I can’t take my eyes off this book, something is drawing me to it like a magnet.

“This book is enchanted so only you will be able to read it, but I would prefer that it stays here at the castle. While it is a book for a beginning witch, it does contain histories of our coven that must be protected.”

I nod, finally looking up at her. “I understand. It won’t leave this room. Thank you, for everything.”


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