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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 423

Chapter 0423


I turn around with all my gear on. "What do you think” I can't help smiling at the stuff they gave me. I don’t know if they had help, based on the coordinations of the whole outfit, I should assume Sierra was involved, but it’s all perfect and what I need as these missions get longer and more difficult.

"You look like an assassin. Remind me not to piss you off now that you can beat four full grown, fully trained wolves at one time and are armed to the teeth with weapons too."

Lillian laughs.

Two weeks later our tracker on the supply trucks paid off and we have found a consistent pattem of stops. Several teams are called in. We are going to finally pursue this from multiple fronts. Hopefully this will end soon. PAcks are still being attacked, but all we can do is go in and make sure everyone is trained enough to get to safety. We have noticed a higher number of survivors as we go in to help after attacks, but it's not enough for me. The attacks need to end. This Rogue King is going to have nobody to rule if he keeps on like this.

“Tracker, you will lead a team here.” Osiston points to a place on the map about four hours North of us. Thomas, your team will take the East flank. Drive them towards the

ocean line where Nickolas and I will be with our teams to intercept. The southern end buts up to the Northern portion of the Alpha King’s territory, we will put our newer recruits and all of those packs security detail heavy on those borders.

With Jena, Nathaniel and the rest of the tech team we have been able to slowly cause problems with their supply chains coming and going from the sea. This attack will cut them off completely and they will know we are onto them.

There's no turning back. Do all team leaders understand your assignments?” A confident ‘yes,sir’ echoes across the room. "Get with your teams and discuss your strategy. Get to know your lay of the land and remember to be aware of the invisible enemies too. Dismissed. Skylar, Jena, and Lillian, stick around.”

We all stop and turn back to him and just stand there while he finishes several conversations and is apparently waiting for the room to clear.

“I have a separate mission for you three that is in tandem to this one. We have visual confirmation on Mike's whereabouts.” Jena and I stop breathing waiting for him to finish. “I am placing you three here.” He points to a spot on the map that is about a hundred miles from my pack's north western border, but not near the isthmus that connects the island to the mainland. That's a weird place to be unless he’s planning to attack by boat, which is possible. "


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