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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 428

Chapter 0428


We follow the guys, Mateo hasn't taken his arm off of me once in the whole ten minutes we have been walking. Sam has had a running commentary the whole time. He met Lillian once while he visited Sierra at the Royal pack.

"So Little Bit, I see you got our gifts,what do you think?

Pretty amazing right?” He looks back over his shoulder at me.

"Yes, everything has come in very handy.” I smile at him.

“Who's knives did you use first?” He wiggles his eyebrows.

You wouldn't know that we were just in a fight, covered in blood with five guys dead and one in captivity based on the way he's talking.

I roll my eyes. “Oliver's actually, saved my life and let me get to Lillian.” I saw Oliver stiffen for just a second and then the smallest nod of the head, like he didn't want to acknowledge the compliment, but couldn't help himself. He’s upset with me and we really need to talk, but alone. “Told you they would be the most useful.” He grumbles at Sam.

“Damn, I guess I owe you lunch.” Sam huffs, slapping him on the shoulder and passing him to reach the truck first. The truck. It’s so silly, but I missed the truck, riding around

in my spot between the twins, Sierra crammed in the back with Sam. The guys load a couple of bags. They must have been doing the same thing we were, camping out waiting for anything to happen..

"We got the message from Xander about the rogues and have been running wide patrols everyday, we wanted to make sure that we kept whoever these guys are off the island.” Cam reads my mind like he always does. "Do you have anything you need to pick up?”

“We left our truck and gear, but we have everything that is important on us.” Lillian jumps in, probably feeling my hesitation. “We don't need any of it right away.”

"Something I am very curious about since you all arrived in your wolf forms.” Mateo raises an eyebrow at me.

“That is a story that involves drinks and Mina, but she’s busy getting ready to be the next Luna Queen.”

"More stories and more drinks.” Sam says from the back of the truck.

“Let's go grab it now so we don't have to double back and if these guys have friends nearby we can handle them and they can't steal your gear or sneak up on us while we get you checked out..”

“Okay. Let's go. We have been up for a long ass time.” Jena chimes in as she moves to the bed of the truck and climbs in while Sam and Oliver lift the bound rogue into it.

"What are you doing?” Mateo asks. “Get in the truck, you're

injured, two of us will ride back here.” -

“Thanks, macho man, but it’s good, I want to be here in case he decides moving is a good idea, I owe him for some fractured ribs and this serious black eye.” Jena points out and Lillian and I laugh.


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