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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 439

We get a couple more hours of sleep before we have to be up for training. I’m tired, but I still feel better getting actual sleep than I have felt in the last couple days.

As we head downstairs to get something to eat, I hear my name from the stairwell. I stop and look at the twins behind me. They both shrug.

“You all might as well come on in too. You’re going to follow her anyway.” Alpha Lucas says.

We walk into the Alpha’s office and I can feel the tension. Something happened. “What’s going on? Is everyone okay?”

“Why don’t you take a seat, this is not going to be a fun conversation and I know you all have plans today. They are all alive, but your warrior friends were ambushed. Osiston just got into contact with me.”

“That’s why no one has checked in yet? It must have been really bad.” Lil stands behind me.

“Yes, clearly they had other priorities. There were no casualties on your side, they just confirmed with everyone in the last hour. Your friend Wyatt was sent back to the Royal pack though. He was cut with a blade that had something on it and he's having a bad reaction. Full disclosure, I do not think any of this information is helpful for you, but I was told you need to hear everything I am about to tell you.”

He takes a deep breath and rubs his face, like this is the worst information he could give me. But he just said all of the warriors survived so what could be worse than that?

“The rogues still appear to be moving in this direction, but they are dispersed among several packs, so it looks like whatever this attack is going to be it will be big, we need to prepare and since you seem to be the main target now…” Growls sound all around me. “Knock it off, she’s been ‘a’ target we have always known that. Now we believe she has become ‘the’ target now that they know of or suspect your abilities.” He looks right at me.

“What in the hell are you talking about?” Mateo blurts, forgetting who he is talking to.

Alpha Lucas ignores him and looks right at me. “Elena, said your training is more important now so she brought this.” He shoves a bound package to me. I already know what it is without even looking. “There is a note with specific instructions. That’s all I was told.”

I nod and pull the book close to me. I have to train myself in magic, this should be interesting.

“Alpha Reggie has his pack on lock down, right now, no one in or out and he has advised the same for the surrounding packs. Which means you ladies are here for the foreseeable future. You will still receive training and orders so pay attention to your link, but they are focused on the injured warriors and resetting their plan of attack so it might be a couple days.”

He stops talking and closes his eyes. He takes three deep breaths and I can tell whatever comes next I’m not going to like. I hear a faint growl from his chest. Is he talking to his wolf?

His eyes fly open, but they aren’t their usual soft blue, they are a deep crimson, the eyes of an alpha, and I jump back in my seat. His wolf has never come forward to me before.

“A message was delivered for you, Lucas does not want to share this information. It is not pleasant and we would both like to shield you from horrors like this, but it cannot be helped.” He leans over and picks up another small box. My hand flies to my mouth, but I have no idea what could be inside. They said all of the warriors were accounted for and alive. I just start shaking my head.


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