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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 622

Everyone is fighting a rogue wolf or two and it is chaos. These wolves are possessed like when Jena and I broke out of captivity. They have no care for their personal well being, they have no mind of their own. I don’t want to hurt them. Deep down I know this is just another form of abuse and manipulation, but I also can’t help the people I care about if I let them live. They are here to do one thing, kill all of us, or I guess all of them and take me captive.

Lil meets up with Jena and I and it’s like old times running missions for the Elite Warriors. We fall back into familiar habits and training. We attack head on, not letting anyone get in between us. This triangle formation has probably saved us more times than anything. All sides are covered while we continue in a forward motion while taking out as many rogues as we can. Sierra catches up to us as we approach the section of land that connects our peninsula to the mainland. All the fighting seems to be behind us and a sense of dread drapes over me slowly like thick slime. I want to turn around and run back to my pack members, but my wolf presses us forward. We need to finish this and I can’t act like a scared little girl. I need to be the Alpha I was chosen to be.

***”Bitty, where the f*ck are you? I can’t see you and your pull is faint. What happened?”***

***”We’re on the other side of the fighting, crossing onto the mainland. I can feel the magic coming just past our borders. Jena, Sierra and Lil are with me. Keep working through the rogues. We have this.”***

***”The f*ck you do, get your ass back here, Smalls.”***

***”Dakota, watch your tone. I am not a helpless little girl. Mate or not, I am a warrior who will protect my pack. I am not alone, I have my team with me. The same team that I have been working with for years. You do your job and I will do mine.”***

***”Tiny, I can barely feel you and it hurts. What is going on?”***

***”You shouldn’t be in pain. I’m not leaving or being taken. Handle those f*cking rogues and come after us. This is going to be unpleasant.”***

I can feel the magic surrounding a grove of trees. The closer we get the more I can see the shimmer of a mirage surrounding them.

***“What are you looking at Midge?”*** Lil asks so only the four of us can have this conversation. They, no doubt, heard my fight with my mates, who were too panicked to have a private conversation.

***”Can’t you see the shimmer on the trees? That has to be where the Rogue King and Adrielle or both are hiding.”***

***”Whoa, slow your tits Alpha. We are not running in there blind.” LIl’s wolf jumps in front of me. ”We have to get some kind of feel for this place first. Your mates are already going to skin us alive for letting you come out here without them and I am sure Mateo and Sam have expressed similar sentiments.”***

***”Sam may have mentioned taking a page out of Mike’s book and wants to chain me up when we get back.”*** We all laugh at Sierra, because I wouldn't put it past Sam to try or Sierra to enjoy it.

***”Can you guys see it though? That’s my biggest question right now. If I’m the only one who can see the magic, then maybe I’m the only one who can get past it.”***

***”You can stop that train right now. You may be able to put your mates in their places, but that hot Alpha girl routine will not work here. You go in with us or not at all, got it.”***

Chapter 0622 1

Chapter 0622 2


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