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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 75

Chapter 0075
We start circling each other.

Neither wanting to make the first move.

"You have to succumb to her wrath sometime bro, might as well get it over with.

Dakota shouts over at us.
"Yeah, she's been suppressing her anger at us all weekend, glad it's you and not me." Sam adds.
I'm not sure who they are trying to distract more, me or Oliver, but I have to tune them out and focus.

Oliver's movements are more lithe today, like a panther stalking its prey.

He's got something in mind and I can't spare any of my attention to anyone else. Just as I had the thought, he strikes.

He lunges forward and I thought he was going to grab my waist, but he drops down and grabs one of my legs trying to sweep it backward, knocking me to my front.

I let the momentum take me and tuck my chin to roll forward, twisting slightly and planting my hands on the ground to throw a kick to his back before following through and jumping on his back, trying to get my arms around his thickneck.

He was too fast for me though, spinning to a crouching position and driving at my legs again.

This time knocking me to the ground, I kept one of my legs in between his and one around his waist to keep him from pinning my legs down.

I bucked my hips trying to use the force from our fall, cause once we stop moving he can use his large weight against me.

He was thinking the same thing and trying to force me flat on my back grabbing one of my arms and trying to hold it down, so I did what any rational girl would do, I nailed him in the junk, well the very high inner thigh, I not that mean.

Oliver grunts and slackens his grip on me.
Using the distraction, I roll us over and get out from under him, but he recovers too quickly and gets up before I can grab him or throw a punch.
We both continue to move around each other throwing and taking hits pretty equally.

He got me in the ribs really well and I can feel my lungs fighting for air.

I got a good right hook to his cheek close to his ear, followed by a punch to the solar plexus.

At least he's having as much trouble as I am breathing now.

so many punches and kicks trying to gain a leg up in this fight, 11m losing track of what is working and what isn 't.

Maybe Warrior Nickloas must actually want to see who will win.
After a few more minutes Oliver is behind me with his

bulky forearm around my neck.

Skylar, are you up for a back to back match?"
"Sure, I guess." I'm panting and rolled my shoulders and my neck, at one point Oliver had got a lead on me and pulled me over his shoulder to body slam me pretty hard.


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