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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203 

“Felice… you… you live here?” 

Angelica mumbled dazedly as she stared at the estate that looked even grander than the private estates that the five business magnates of Jonford owned. 

Felicity chuckled. “Didn’t you already know I was rich when we were still students?” 

Angelica gulped. “I knew you were rich, but I didn’t know you were this rich!” 

Families who resided in estates were usually extremely influential. 

She had always thought Felicity’s family owned a small business and had never imagined her family to be so grand and powerful. 

“Money is something, but it’s not everything! Nothing to make a big fuss over. Let’s have lunch together!” 

Felicity brought them to her family’s private dining hall. 

The dining hall was a massive mansion. 

Its interiors were decorated even more lavishly than a five-star hotel’s. 

If you sat by the windows, you would even have a view of the manmade lake. 

Soon, the Snyder family’s Michelin-star chef finished preparing an entire table’s worth of food for them. 

The feast included king crab, large lobsters, caviar, and roast suckling pig. It was a sight to behold. 

“This is your idea of a simple meal?” 

Angelica gulped as she stared at Felicity. 

She was only now realizing how rich her best friend was. 

“That’s right! It’s an ordinary meal for us!” 

Felicity answered flippantly. 

She sounded like she was showing off. 

However, it was true that this was nothing out of the ordinary for her family. 

When you were rich enough, even the way you went to the toilet may seem like you were showing off to others. 

Felicity put on disposable gloyes and de-shelled a lobster before handing it to Angelica. “Here, have it while it’s still warm. It’ll taste different once it goes cold!” 

Suddenly inspired, Nash asked, “Is Philix Xing by any chance related to the Snyder family?” 

Felicity had a mouthful of roast suckling pig in her mouth, and asked between bites, “Are you thinking the Snyder family got their riches by being reliant on the Northern Territory warden? Or are you suspecting that Philix Xing is the reason I became Sargen’s deputy chief inspector?” 

Nash laughed. “No, no. I was just curious!” 

Felicity ladled herself a bowl of sea cucumber broth and drank several spoonfuls before answering, “Philix Xing is in no way related to the Snyder family, but my grandfather does admire him greatly. He has a number of his portraits displayed in his room!” 

Nash nodded and chewed thoughtfully on a piece of chicken. 

“F*ck… I’m so pissed! I’d have killed him today if you guys hadn’t held me back…” 

Just then, a loud voice could be heard at the entrance. 

A young boy with purple-colored hair walked into the dining room while several middle-aged men hurried after him. 

“The Green Bamboo Association is way too powerful, young master Caleb. Besides, that young man is the grandson of the Ten Juggernauts’ leader. Even the senior master would not have been able to protect you if you laid a hand on him!” 

One of the middle-aged men smiled bitterly as he spoke. 

The boy with purple-colored hair said arrogantly, “Who would dare do anything to the Snyder family when my sister is the deputy chief inspector?”. 

Felicity looked up at the boy and said angrily, “Caleb Snyder, I’m warning you once more, not use me as an excuse to roam free and get up to no good!” 


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