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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calicraft) novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 

His speed was so fast that Stellar could barely react on time. 

“Damn it! If I didn’t see it happen with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed a human being could have such speed!” 

Stellar spat on the ground. 

The warden spoke in a low voice, “The abilities of the others aren’t as high as his, are they?” 

Stellar climbed into the car while nodding. “Nash’s strength surpasses theirs by a large margin!” 

As he buckled the warden’s seat belt, he continued, “There’s someone who might be able to compete with him…” 

The warden asked in surprise, “The one from Phoenix Island?” 

Stellar nodded silently. 

The warden chuckled dryly. “The one from Phoenix Island must be over a hundred years old. This kid is probably only in his 20s, right?” 

The car started slowly, and Stellar suddenly asked, “Warden, you seem to like young people like Nash and Theo. Do you have some sort of special preference?” 

In private, Stellar had always considered Warden as his big brother and would occasionally joke around with him. 

Warden glared at Stellar unhappily. “Cut the crap! I’m as straight as an arrow!” 

After that, he pulled a wallet from his pocket and took out an old laminated photo from it. 

The photo was reddened and half burnt, so the figures in it were unclear. 

“Do you know why I’ve never been home?” 

The warden gently touched the blurred figures in the photo. 

Stellar shook his head. “I have no idea, and you always bring out this old photo of yours… Is that your family in the photo?” 

The warden smirked in self-deprecation. 

“I’m the warden, the defender of the nation! I’ve defended this beautiful land, but I couldn’t protect my own home! In the first year I went to the Northern Territory, my wife wrote to tell me she was pregnant! That year, she gave birth to a big fat boy for me, but I wasn’t able to get home until the child’s first birthday! When I joyfully returned home, all I saw was ruins!” 

The warden’s usual amiable aura was completely gone once he brought up his sorrowful past. 

It was replaced by an aura of endless killing intent. 

His gaze was as sharp as a knife. 

Such a strong aura made it hard for Stellar to breathe. 

The last time he saw the warden emitting such an aura was when he led a million soldiers to defend the frontier. 

Stellar asked cautiously, “Who did it? Did you… get your revenge?” 

The warden covered his mouth to cough, and the overwhelming aura around him dissipated instantly. 

When he lowered his hand, there were specks of blood on his palm. 

“I used all available resources to investigate the murderer, but all efforts ended in vain! It’s as if someone knew I was investigating, and they were secretly hindering me! It’s been ten years… Half a year ago, I lost contact with the last member of the intelligence team!” 

The warden closed his eyes, deep sorrow brimming within him. 

Stellar was silent. 

If the warden was telling the truth, then this force was truly terrifying. 

This was even more shocking than the impact that the Smiling Grim Reaper had brought upon him. 

How strong would a force have to be to stop the warden from investigating the truth of the matter for so many years? 

Was the warden’s poisoning and assassination attempt related to this force? 

This force targeted not just Warden but all of his kin. 


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