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My Sweetheart novel Chapter 165

Nighttime had settled, life in this vibrant city had just begun.

Kathy hastily walked into the clubhouse, she found out which private room Alexia was in by asking one of the workers there.

The smell of alcohol and tobacco blown in her face the moment she opened the door. She slightly coughed and proceeded to sit next to Alexia. The other person in the private room was the executive of LS Group, he was a middle-aged man, probably somewhere around 40 years old.

"Kathy is a colleague of mine working at the sales department, Mr. Lowe, here is the contract," Alexia passed him the document.

Alexia obviously had some drinks as she was looking flushed, Kathy was a bit worried about her.

Kathy stopped Alexia as she was going to down another glass of alcohol, "I'll drink it for you."

Alexia snatched the glass over and said, "Don't be silly, you get drunk over a glass. I don't want to have to carry you home."

Kathy frowned, she watched Alexia as she gulped the drinks. She knew that Alexia can hold her liquor, but drinking this much was a bit dangerous.

"I'll be needing a bit more time to look over the contract, Miss Alexia, how about we go for a second round?" The man squinted his eyes, he told his assistant to leave first and he walked towards Alexia.

Alexia was smiling brightly, "Then, how about the lounge?"

The man grimaced, "Let's go to the hotel I'm staying at, there's no crowd and we could talk comfortably."

He looked at Kathy after he said that, his smile was disgusting, "Miss Kathy, do come with us."

"Kathy is busy, Mr. Lowe, I'll go with you," Alexia winked at Kathy, telling her to head back first.

But Kathy couldn't bring herself to leave, this man was obviously scheming something, Alexia would be in trouble if Kathy were to leave.

Alexia's face turned sour, she worriedly glanced at Kathy who was following her. The man suddenly yanked Alexia to her side as they were about to walk out of the clubhouse, "Miss Kathy can come along if she wants to."

"Mr. Lowe, let's not waste her time, she is not a part of this project anyways."

"Let's see what Miss Kathy says," The man looked straight into Kathy's eyes.

Kathy felt uncomfortable, she wanted to leave so badly but she needed Alexia to leave with her as well.

She knew that the project was very important to Alexia, but no matter what, there was a limit to how much she should be doing to please the client.

"I'm free tonight," replied Kathy.

Alexia was about to stomp on Kathy's feet, but Kathy was persistent, she wouldn't leave Alexia alone at all cost.

The hotel is located right on the opposite side of the road. Alexia was explaining details about the project along the way but the man was obviously interested in something else. Alexia suggested that they should go to the restaurant at the first floor when they got to the lobby, but Mr. Lowe shook his head, "Let's go to my room, it's nice and quiet."

"If that's the case, Kathy, you should head back first," Alexia suggested again.

Kathy's face darkened, she pulled Alexia closer and said, "Mr. Lowe, let's just talk here!"

Mr. Lowe smiled, his gaze on Kathy, "It's too crowded here, you guys should come up with me if you want the contract to be signed by tonight."

"Mr. Lowe, I'll come with you alone," Alexia stood in front of Kathy as she said that.

The man accepted the offer, Alexia quickly went into the elevator with him. Kathy wanted to go into the elevator as well but she was blocked by Alexia.

"Don't worry," whispered Alexia.

How could Kathy not worry? She observed which floor the elevator stopped on and got on the other elevator.

A familiar figure walked in as the elevator's door was about to close.

"Mr. Johnson," it was her boss, Kathy greeted him politely.

Johnson glanced at the button Kathy pressed and immediately understood what was she trying to do.

"You can head back first," said Johnson.

"Are you going to look for Alexia?" Kathy asked.


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