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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 

Violet pursed her lips tightly. If she refused again, it would be the third time

She thought about it and finally agreed helplessly. Alright then. Send me the address! I’ll go to meet you!” 

Hearing that Violet had agreed, Freddie finally heaved a sigh of relief. Let’s meet at Dioger. I’m nearby now. I remember that you used to like to eat pasta there!” 

Dioger was a very stylish restaurant. When they were in university, Violet and Freddie often went there to eat

At that time, Violet thought that although they didn’t show their affection, they should be similar to those ambiguous young couples

Until Wendy appeared and shattered all of Violet’s selfrighteousness. It made her, who was selfrespecting, feel extremely ashamed

Violet nodded. Alright, Dioger is okay. I will be there soon.” 

After hanging up the phone, Violet went to Dioger. Megan also went out

Ever since Megan showed off her skills at the game company that day, Robert could call her more than five times a day and always asked her out to eat and play

Megan did not agree even once

Coincidentally, Violet was going out tonight, and Robert happened to disturb her again, so she agreed this time.. 

By the time Violet arrived at Dioger, Freddie had already arrived

He sat by the window: When he saw Violet, he smiled and waved at her

Violet was about to go over when Patrick called her

Violet stood on the spot and picked up the phone. Hello! Mr. Hersey!” 

The moment she spoke, Patrick’s face darkened because of the way she addressed him. You can’t correct it, right?” 

Violet pursed her lips. I’m used to it!” 

Patrick could not be bothered to continue correcting her. Forget it, do whatever you want. That blanket in the morning… heard from the butler that the blanket you covered for me!” 


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Chapter 211 

Violet’s mouth moved slightly. Yes, I’m afraid you’ll catch a cold!” 

Patrick’s voice was actually a little shy. So, you’re still quite concerned about me!” 

Violet looked extremely uncomfortable. What’s the matter?” 


Patrick cleared his throat and said in a domineering tone, Remember to come back for dinner tonight!” 

As Patrick spoke, he watched the sumptuous dinner he personally cooked, feeling at sense of accomplishment

One had to know that his cooking skills were unanimously praised by his friends both domestically and overseas when he was studying abroad

I’m sorry, Mr. Hersey. I have something to do tonight. You can eat alone!Patrick personally cooked once! However, Violet refused

Patrick’s tone instantly became unhappy. What will you do?” 

Violet glanced at Freddie who was not far away and subconsciously lied to Patrick, I’m accompanying Megan. She’s in a bad mood!” 

Patrick’s tone was a little gloomy, but when he thought about how Megan had helped him and Robert for free two days ago, he could only say in a muffled voice, Alright, then come back early tonight!” 

Violet felt that Patrick’s behavior was a little strange. After they registered their marriage, whether they went home for dinner or not, they would not restrain each other

But this time, Patrick had suddenly invited her to dinner. Although Violet was a little surprised, she did not think too much about it

After hanging up, Violet walked towards Freddie

After returning for so long, this was the first time he had met Violet alone. Freddie could not help but smile slightly

He looked at Violet happily. He stood up and pulled out a chair for her

Violet sat down. Freddie smiled and asked her, What do you want to eat? Order everything you want!” 

Violet nodded and picked up the menu. She ordered a single set meal and handed the menu to Freddie

In the end, Freddie didn’t even look at it and directly asked for a couple’s set meal


Chapter 211 

Violet was a little surprised. Will Miss Tyler be coming?she asked

The smile on Freddie’s face froze. Can’t it be me eating the set meal with you?” 

Violet had a complicated expression on her face, but she did not hesitate to say, Freddie, we’re just friends!” 

Freddie looked a little disappointed. He saw that Violet’s expression was especially serious and felt a little helpless. Alright, alright, alright. We’re just friends! I’m hungry. I’m afraid I won’t be full if I order a single set meal!” 

Violet nodded and did not say anything else. Her attitude was very clear

Freddie knew her very well. He took the initiative to bring up some topics that Violet was interested in, but he did not take the initiative to get closer to her. The two of them. chatted happily

If they ignored what happened two years ago, they were like a senior and junior, who had not seen each other for two years and were very close to each other

Speaking of which, Patrick was alone at home, he had cooked a lot of delicious dishes. However, he really had no appetite at all. He sat on the sofa and stared blankly at his phone

Suddenly, Robert sent him a photo

From the back, it was a photo of a girl shooting at the basket

Robert asked. [Is she pretty? Is her back view mesmerizing!

Patrick stared at the photo and his expression suddenly became gloomy

[Are you with Megan?] Patrick asked

Robert replied, [That’s right. Didn’t I tell you that day? She’s simply my dream lover. I’m really tempted this time. I really like her. We’re good friends. Don’t stop me! You have to know that this is the first time she agreed to play with me! I’m proud!

Patrick sent, [Just the two of you?

[Nonsense. If there aren’t two people on a date, would there be three?] Robert 


Patrick clearly knew that Violet had lied to him, but he refused to give up

[VioletIs she not with you?

Robert was confused. [What do you mean? Why is she with us?


Chapter 211 


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