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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 75


Chapter 75

Emma did not believe her, however. “You‘re saying he‘s sending her abroad so she can‘t hurt me anymore? That‘s impossible.‘ She thought it was a joke. “He won‘t do anything for me. There‘s no need for that.”

We‘re divorced. There‘s no need for him to do this. And he only ever defends his mother, sister, and that crush of his. She had disagreements with his family during the marriage, but Trevor would either keep quiet or take their side. She could still vividly remember that one time where she was attending the Batesons‘ weekend gathering. She wore a pair of heels, but she was not used to it, so she had to walk carefully. Arianna bumped into her on purpose, and she sprained her ankle. The pain almost made her cry.

She snapped at Arianna back then. Arianna noticed Trevor coming over, so she cried and held her brother‘s arm. “Trevor, Emma‘s not used to heels. She fell all by herself, but she blamed me for it. She said I bumped into her on purpose,” she complained.

Back then, Trevor looked at her coldly, “Don‘t wear heels if you don‘t know how to handle them.”

He meant that she was an embarrassment. Emma thought it was unfair, and she almost cried, but she clenched her fists as tightly as she could and stopped her tears from falling. She just married him then, and it was the first time she was attending a gathering hosted by the Bateson Family. His friends and relatives were there to witness everything, and she felt like hiding in a hole.

Ever since then, she practised every day just to get used to wearing heels. She wore her ankles out many times, but in the end, she could handle all kinds of heels without even wobbling. He was cruel to her in the past. She could never believe that he would send his own sister abroad just for her. Emma refused to talk about that, and she said softly, “Sorry for getting in the way of your work again. You should get back to the company.”

Cerys could not force her if she did not want to talk. She got up and went back to work.


Alice was fine. She was just overwhelmed by rage for a while. Trevor was in her ward, looking at the ladies coldly. Emma resused to explain what happened, but Cerys did, and it enraged him. She called just to yell at Emma? And she almost slapped her? Mom and Arianna did that? “Mom, I think Arianna‘s not the only one who needs to go abroad. You should go with her too.” That was just a lie, of course. He said it on impulse. Trevor would never send his own mother abroad.

It was impossible for their parents to live together. Alice could not get over Jared‘s affair, while Jared could not get over the fact she made it publicly known and embarrassed him. The only time they would show up together was during their children‘s weddings. However, Jared did not come back for his, since he and Emma did not have a wedding.

Emma could not believe what her son was saying, “What are you talking about, Trevor? I just woke up!”

Trevor pursed her lips. “Nothing. Just telling you to stay out of my business.” He was warning them not to trouble Emma ever again.

Alice and Arianna were infuriated. Arianna was about to protest, but Trevor shot her an icy look. “You‘re going abroad whether you like it or not,” he said imperiously.


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