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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 566

Read Chapter 565 – 566 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 565

The thought that the HR manager had taken the initiative to call her to let her go to work, Suzi felt it was an inspiration in his heart.

What happened yesterday has become a thing of the past.

Even the malicious remarks on the Internet have been searched for less than half a point.

As if it was just a nightmare.

Suzi didn’t want the past, but only looked at the future.

In the future, she will be a very accomplished architectural designer. When her work is stable, she will immediately return to her hometown to visit her mother’s grave. Maybe she will move the tombs of her parents to Nancheng together, so that she can I can visit Mom and Dad from time to time. Besides, it is to seek revenge from the Lin family.

She will definitely not take the Lin family lightly.

Especially Jarod.

If Jarod is really what she guessed, then her biggest enemy of Suzi in this life is Jarod.

Thinking of these thoughts along the way, Suzi didn’t talk to Arron either.

Fortunately, the man is also a few words.

She didn’t talk to him, and Arron didn’t feel embarrassed alone, but Suzi, after thinking about her own thoughts, turned around and saw how Arron’s tie was crooked, and let go.

It suddenly occurred to me that it was the clothes she put on him and the tie she gave him this morning.

Is her technique bad?

The tie hasn’t been tied for a long time, and then opened it again?

Suzi turned around and collapsed naturally on Arron. He looked up at him. He grabbed Arron’s tie with both hands, and muttered: “Why is the tie crooked? How bad is your image when you go to the company like this.” … Sit upright, and I will tie you again.”

Arron: “…”

Christopher driving ahead: “…”

Is he good at driving? His driving skills are enough to compete with professional racers!

But at this moment, Christopher almost hit the tree. He broke out in a cold sweat, slammed the brake and then slammed the reverse plate, so that he could not hit the tree.

Arron hugged Suzi in time to avoid knocking her head.

Suzi also looked back at Christopher, “Assistant Yan, what’s wrong with you? Are you very tired today?”

After the question, she said Arron: “I have never seen Yan Zhu to rest. Why don’t you give him a holiday? Let him rest. If you work hard like this, it is normal to drive with fatigue.”

Arron: “Well, give him more holidays in the future.”

Christopher hiccuped several times.

“Assistant Yan, are you sick?” Suzi asked concerned.

Christopher: “…”


I’m not sick!

Master gives me a holiday every month!

I am not tired.

Didn’t get sick either.

I choked on the dog food you sprinkled!

The Christopher at this moment was really caught off guard!

He has been accustomed to eating too much dog food sprinkled by the Fourth Master these days, but he has never eaten dog food sprinkled by his wife.

The madam accidentally sprinkled a wave of dog food in a very natural and explosive manner. How could Christopher be able to resist it?

Christopher didn’t reply, but he heard Arron’s hiccup.

Suzi looked at Arron: “You…what’s wrong with you?”

Chapter 566

Arron: “…” He was also choked, okay!

Early in the morning, she teased him twice in a row.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a master of tricks.

Early in the morning, I said: “She is your seed too.” Arron was almost banned from work today.


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