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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 648

Read Chapter 647 – 648 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 647

Galia remembered something when she got downstairs and said to Rayna: “Rayna, I want to call Suzi.”

Rayna nodded immediately: “Well, this will make it a little safer, right.”

Galia took out his mobile phone and dialed Suzi. At the other end, Suzi was connected quickly: “Galia, let me guess, are you sitting in Darius’s car now?”

“Suzi, tell me where you are now?” Galia asked.

Suzi: “…”

She is now sitting in Christopher’s car.

Next to her, there was no Arron, but Shen alone.

An hour ago, when they were about to go out, Arron was called away by Mr. Fu, saying that he was in a hurry.

Arron hurriedly arranged Christopher to wait for their mother and daughter to clean up, and he drove to the old house by himself.

“Suzi, if you don’t answer me, does it mean that you don’t have Arron by your side?” Galia seemed to guess something.

Suzi’s heart also darkened: “Galia, what do you know?”

Galia’s laughter was sweet, and she didn’t seem to be in the slightest fear: “Suzi, I can finally realize the feeling that you are alone in a rich family. The rich family is really a worry-free place, but in the future, no matter how hard it is, I and Rayna will be together. You side by side!”

Rayna on the side also nodded desperately.

Suzi asked faintly: “Galia, did Shu Shao temporarily be called away by Elder Shu? Mr. Jun didn’t come to meet Rayna, right?”

Galia replied: “Yes! It seems that they have come up with some moth!

However, the old lady is not afraid!

My old mother is a shrew, a shrew who is not afraid of anything! Today, Rayna and I want to join forces with three of us. As long as someone dares to be rude to you at the banquet in the old house of the Fu family, the three of us, plus Shen’s only small bag, the four of us will overthrow the Fu family. .

How is it! “

Suzi smiled calmly: “Just do it.”

If you talk about the hot temper, Suzi must be so hot than Galia.

Suzi is definitely not as good as Rayna in terms of the way the city scolds the street shrew.

However, Suzi is the most calm of the three.

Does the three-person association upset the troubles of the Fu family’s old house?

Suzi suddenly looked forward to it.

After closing the thread, Suzi still had a smile on his face.

Christopher, who was driving in front, asked her: “Madam, the Fourth Master was temporarily called away by Father Fu. I thought you would become indifferent, but why are you laughing?”

Suzi: “Uh…maybe…maybe I have a helper now.”

Christopher: “What did you say, madam?”

The only child Shen, dressed in a small red ball next to him, immediately grabbed his mother’s words and replied: “My mother said, I am her little helper.”

Christopher immediately smiled: “No, the little princess can definitely be regarded as the most powerful helper, but don’t worry, madam, no one will dare to stumble you in the old house today.”

While he was talking and chatting like this, the car had already arrived at the Fu’s old house.

As soon as the car stopped and the door opened, Suzi met an unexpected person.

“Why did she come?” Even Christopher was taken aback.

Chapter 648

It was Walton who appeared in front of Christopher, Suzi, and Shen Only.

Compared with the previous four days ago, Walton is much more fluid, but she still has dark circles and her face is still as thin as a ghost. With heavy make-up and noble floor dress, it makes her look like A scheming female ghost.


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