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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 1966

"Your Royal Highness, shall we engage the enemy troops?" Adrian swiftly asked for Zain's instructions.

"All right. Give my order to everyone. We are going to make our stand here. Follow me and kill them without mercy!" Zain knew that an all-out battle between the two armies was unavoidable. Since he was confident that his army obviously had the advantage, he deemed that it was the right time to do it. They had finally come across each other, so Zain grabbed the opportunity to defeat Enoch once and for all.

Immediately after, Zain, together with three premium-stage Spiritual Emperors, took the lead and charged towards Enoch's army.

Enoch, however, was not alarmed at all. Although they were at a disadvantage in number, he was aware that tens of thousands of soldiers in Zain's army were still struggling because of the poison. Furthermore, he also knew that the royal army had been lacking water for quite a few days now. At this point, most of the soldiers were already in the brink of dehydration, which would naturally render them vulnerable. Even though they managed to get a new supply of drinking water, it was still impossible for them to completely recover in such a short period. On the other hand, Enoch's army managed to rest well these past few days, so their bodies were in the best condition to fight. With all of these considerations, Enoch was convinced that they could overcome the royal army despite the evident disadvantage in number of soldiers.

"Everyone, prepare yourselves! This is going to be a fierce fight. Don't lose focus!" Enoch warned loudly as soon as he saw Zain's army charging at them.

Finally, the two armies clashed. All sorts of shouts and screams resounded in the field, making the battle more intense.

Meanwhile, three figures appeared out of thin air on a high ground near the exit of the Red River Valley.

These people were none other than Rocky, Gilbert, and Vivian.

Of course, they couldn't miss such an important battle between the royal army and Enoch's army. If Enoch won this battle, Rocky's plan would be a complete success, and it would allow him to proceed and make his next move. However, if Zain somehow prevailed, Rocky's plans and efforts would end in vain.

In short, Rocky couldn't afford Enoch's defeat in this battle.

"Odin, based on what you can see, will Enoch be able to outdo Zain?" Gilbert asked with a straight face.

"Well, he has to. Otherwise, things will really go bad. Besides, all our efforts these past few days would be in vain!" Rocky exclaimed, letting out a sigh afterward.

"But there is still a possibility that Enoch is defeated. What will happen if he lost?" Vivian butted in with an anxious tone.

"Well, I'm afraid we'll have to run away from here as soon as possible," Rocky replied with a wry smile. However, he fully believed that the probability of Enoch losing was pretty slim. Of course, it was because he still had another plan in motion.

"By the way, didn't you say that you put poison in the water of the royal army? Why hasn't it worked yet?" Vivian asked with furrowed brows.

"That's how it should work. After all, if the effect is seen too soon, it will definitely arouse Prince Zain's suspicion. Moreover, the battle has just begun. As the battle goes on, they will eventually consume water and food faster and faster. Since the poison will take effect much later, the result will become even better." Rocky just smiled, pretty confident that everything would work according to his plan.

"Then, I guess we can only wait and see," Vivian finally said.

Eventually, a day passed.

Because of the royal army's advantage in terms of military force, Enoch's army was at an apparent disadvantage throughout the battle. Nonetheless, since Enoch was an expert in war tactics, he still managed to hold the royal army to a draw.

On the second day of the battle, it appeared that the royal army still maintained their lead, putting Enoch's army in a predicament.

However, the day unexpectedly turned out to be very hot. After noontime, the soldiers of the royal army, who had fought for the whole morning, could only yearn to drink lots of water to replenish their strength. Weirdly enough, they somehow noticed that no matter how much they drank, their thirst wasn't quenched. In fact, it just worsened.

At first, no one really paid attention to it since they did not have the time to focus on such things while they were in the middle of an intense battle.

Chapter 1966 Something Strange About The Water 1

Chapter 1966 Something Strange About The Water 2


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