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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 351

In my previous life, I was a breast cancer patient. In this life, although my breasts have had some issues, they weren’t severe.

However, the results of my check-up suggested that things seemed to have been getting worse. The doctor told me to watch my lifestyle and mood and prescribed me some medication. He recommended I get regular check-ups in the future.

That situation really got me down. I had been through the whole near-death experience before, so I was really sensitive to those kinds of issues. I knew I hadn't been doing my best, not taking care of myself properly.

After leaving the hospital, I didn't head to the office. Instead, I went back to Sunflower Terrace alone. I figured I needed some time away from home, just by myself.

Whether it was Neil or my mom, they would have only messed with my head right now, making it impossible to suppress all those thoughts flooding my mind.

After making up my mind, I rushed home, packed some stuff, and got ready to move out.

"Rena, what on earth are you doing?" Mom was surprised to see me with my suitcase, ready to leave.

"Mom, I've been a bit busy recently. I'm going to stay at the apartment for a while. I'm all over the place right now. I don't want to fight with you. Can you understand?" I said frankly.

As mother and daughter, it was important to have kind of honesty.

Mom turned pale instantly; she came over and grabbed my hand, "Rena, are you mad at me? Is it because I've been pushing you to consider Russel, and that's why you're mad at me?"

That was only part of the reason. The other part was that I just wanted some time alone. Since Mom had Hannah to look after her, I didn't need to worry too much.

I shook my head, "Mom, I'm not mad at you. It's just that I'm not feeling too well recently. The doctor told me to watch my emotions. I just want some peace and quiet."

Hearing that I was unwell, Mom panicked. She rushed to ask, "What's wrong? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's nothing major, Mom. Once I've calmed down a bit, I'll move back in." I said to Mom calmly.

That was about my health. Mom lost her pushy attitude for once. She nodded, but her eyes were a bit red.

I didn't mean to make her feel guilty or worried. I just didn't want to hide anything from her, nor did I want to fight anymore.

Under Mom's watchful gaze, I left home without looking back.

Health is the foundation of life.

And I didn't want to end up with a terminal illness like in my previous life.

After settling down in the apartment, I gradually got used to living alone. I informed Stella and the others, inviting them over for a meal. Only when I was having dinner and chatting with them did I feel relaxed.

They were all surprised to hear that my mom still wanted me to be with Russel.

Stella didn't approve of me getting entangled with Neil again, but she also didn't approve of me having any involvement with Russel.

"Has your mom lost her marbles? Russel was so cruel to Chloe Reynolds. It doesn't feel like something a normal person would do. I'm worried he's still hung up on you and might do something chilling because he can't have you."

Actually, there was no need to worry, because such a thing had already happened. I had been schemed against by Russel.

He tried everything to create a rift between Neil and me, but I didn’t appreciate his approach.

"Neither Neil nor Russel is right for you; consider someone else." Barbara shared Stella's view. She even suggested, "Stella's brother isn't bad and he's still single!"

Stella's eyes lit up instantly, and she nodded vigorously.


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