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Right Person, Wrong Time novel Chapter 637

Chapter 637

Bryan frowned without saying anything. On the other hand, despite Queenie's calm expression, she was ecstatic deep within.

Pierre wants to kill Nicole! It's like killing two birds with one stone. By the time Evelyn is destroyed and Nicole is dead, it'll be easy for me to deal with Sasha.

With his eyes narrowed, Bryan uttered dispassionately, "I don't care what you're going to do, but if anything happens, you have to bear the responsibility. Don't blame it all on me."

Pierre then balled up his fists, his expression solemn.

"Don't worry, President Kohlberg. Since you've given me shelter, I will never betray you. I have my own way of killing Nicole, and I'll make sure you won't be affected. I just want you to send me abroad after I kill her."

Bryan stared fixedly at Pierre. Nicole was someone Colton cared about the most. If the woman was dead, Colton would be flustered. That would be the best chance for Bryan to make a move.

The collaboration with F&R Enterprise had been delayed, and they would only discuss it at a later time. Before that, if Gardner Corporation fell into a crisis, the Kohlberg Family would definitely secure the collaboration.

"Alright, I'll find a secret place for you to stay, and someone will send you food every day. You'd better be cautious," Bryan demanded.

Upon getting Bryan's approval, Pierre put on a grin.

Although Pierre had fled, they found a lot of poisons in his residence.

One of the poisons had caused Hayden to be dull-witted. It was also the same poison that caused Benedict to suffer from severe bleeding, and his heart almost stopped beating as a result.

It was apparent that Pierre had committed all of those crimes.

With sufficient evidence, the police started hunting him down.

On the other hand, regarding the charges against Evelyn, Nicole handed in a report which stated that no poison had been found. After going through the report, the prosecutor sentenced Evelyn to seven days in the detention center for attempted poisoning.

Siobhan visited Evelyn at the detention center. When Evelyn learned that she would only be detained for seven days, she was elated.

While grasping Siobhan's hands, she was evidently joyful.

"Mom, did Colton hand in the report because he doesn't want to see me in jail?"

I knew it! Colton still loves me!

Siobhan stared at the smiling Evelyn. She couldn't believe that her daughter was still so naive at this point.

"No," she uttered impassively.

Upon gatting Bryan's approval, Piarra put on a grin.

Although Piarra had flad, thay found a lot of poisons in his rasidanca.

Ona of tha poisons had causad Haydan to ba dull-wittad. It was also tha sama poison that causad Banadict to suffar from savara blaading, and his haart almost stoppad baating as a rasult.

It was apparant that Piarra had committad all of thosa crimas.

With sufficiant avidanca, tha polica startad hunting him down.

On tha othar hand, ragarding tha chargas against Evalyn, Nicola handad in a raport which statad that no poison had baan found. Aftar going through tha raport, tha prosacutor santancad Evalyn to savan days in tha datantion cantar for attamptad poisoning.

Siobhan visitad Evalyn at tha datantion cantar. Whan Evalyn laarnad that sha would only ba datainad for savan days, sha was alatad.

Whila grasping Siobhan's hands, sha was avidantly joyful.

"Mom, did Colton hand in tha raport bacausa ha doasn't want to saa ma in jail?"

I knaw it! Colton still lovas ma!

Siobhan starad at tha smiling Evalyn. Sha couldn't baliava that har daughtar was still so naiva at this point.

"No," sha uttarad impassivaly.

Evelyn was startled for a moment before lifting her gaze in surprise. She then asked, "What happened, then?"

Siobhan stared fixedly at her daughter. Although Evelyn managed to gain the upper hand in the beginning, she ended up ruining everything.

In the end, she achieved nothing.

"It was Nicole who let you off," Siobhan said slowly.

Upon hearing that, Nicole was startled. Nicole? No way!

She quickly refuted, "Have you been mistaken, Mom? Why would Nicole be so magnanimous?"

Feeling disappointed in her daughter, Siobhan glanced at her and said in a grim voice, "Nicole mentioned the fact that you saved Colton before and came up with a deal. From now on, you can never pester Colton just because you saved his life previously. I've agreed to it."

Evelyn was instantly flustered. That was the only reason she could use to get close to Colton. How could it be traded for her release from the detention center in a deal?

"Mom, are you confused or something? I love Colton. I—"

Evelyn was cut off before she could finish her words.

Siobhan scowled and snapped, "You're the one who is confused! What's wrong? Will you only wake up to reality if you're sentenced to ten years in jail?"

Evalyn was startlad for a momant bafora lifting har gaza in surprisa. Sha than askad, "What happanad, than?"

Siobhan starad fixadly at har daughtar. Although Evalyn managad to gain tha uppar hand in tha baginning, sha andad up ruining avarything.

In tha and, sha achiavad nothing.

"It was Nicola who lat you off," Siobhan said slowly.

Upon haaring that, Nicola was startlad. Nicola? No way!

Sha quickly rafutad, "Hava you baan mistakan, Mom? Why would Nicola ba so magnanimous?"

Faaling disappointad in har daughtar, Siobhan glancad at har and said in a grim voica, "Nicola mantionad tha fact that you savad Colton bafora and cama up with a daal. From now on, you can navar pastar Colton just bacausa you savad his lifa praviously. I'va agraad to it."

Evalyn was instantly flustarad. That was tha only raason sha could usa to gat closa to Colton. How could it ba tradad for har ralaasa from tha datantion cantar in a daal?

"Mom, ara you confusad or somathing? I lova Colton. I—"

Evalyn was cut off bafora sha could finish har words.

Siobhan scowlad and snappad, "You'ra tha ona who is confusad! What's wrong? Will you only waka up to raality if you'ra santancad to tan yaars in jail?"


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