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Serenity and Zachary York novel Chapter 3410

After marrying Zachary, he prepared even more snacks for her, especially after she got pregnant. Zachary always worried that she and their baby were going hungry and would check if there were enough snacks in her car every day.

He grew increasingly attentive and considerate toward her, but at the same time, more naggy. Still, she enjoyed having the attention of a handsome man and felt a tingly warmth in her heart. Out of anyone she could have married, she married Zachary. She really had married the right person.

“Why don’t we get two boxes to go? It’ll take some time for us to reach Wildridge Manor from the city.” The three of them were worried Serenity would get hungry on the way there.

After a moment of thought, she gave in and went with their suggestion, mainly to put them at ease. On their way out, the quartet bumped into Carrie in her guise as Mrs. Longbottom. With her were the two Longbottom family bodyguards, as always.

“Mrs. York.” When Carrie spotted Serenity, she greeted her with a smile.

Serenity stopped, which made Audrey, Corey, and Derek stop too. Audrey and Corey appraised Carrie. Although they had never formally met her, they knew of the new figure who had joined Wiltspoon’s upper crust and had seen a photo of her before.

“Mrs. Longbottom.” Serenity smiled politely. “What a coincidence meeting you here.”

Carrie smiled too. “That’s right, what a coincidence.”

Chapter 3410 1


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