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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 626

After sitting in the RV, Nina immediately gave Sylvie a thumbs-up. "Well done. I'll give you a bonus later."

Sylvie shook her head and said, "There is no need for a bonus. This is what I should do."

Then she snorted with contempt, "Before, we just suspected that Andrew had shady intentions. I was confirmed just now. He insists on taking your car. He wasn't afraid of arousing suspicion at all."

"Either he wants to chase your clout, or he's onto something else," Sylvie angrily said.

It wasn't that Nina didn't let Andrew take her car, but she had been at the forefront during this time, so she obviously couldn't engage in any rumors with Andrew because they were in the same car.

Moreover, Nina's standpoint in the entertainment industry for so many years had been made very clear. As long as there was her rumor, she would clarify it herself.

On one hand, Nina did not want to cause trouble for herself, and on the other hand, she did not want to cause trouble for others. Andrew also knew that, but he still wanted to take her car. Didn't that mean that he just wanted to chase Nina's clout or wanted to do something bad?

Nina lazily leaned against the back of the car seat and pondered for a long time, then suddenly asked Sylvie, "Does Jillian also have a schedule in Hazelton today?"

"Yeah, she seems to have a low-end cosmetics livestream." Sylvie hated Jillian because Jillian was too despicable.

Jillian's livestream of low-end cosmetics was on a completely different level from the activity held by the top fashion brand staff that Nina was about to participate in. When Nina made a contract for this brand a while ago, she was just the spokesperson for one of its brands. Now, a few months had passed, and Nina had relied on her clout to bring goods to be promoted to a brand ambassador. That was why Nina was officially invited by the brand.

Sylvie then asked Nina in confusion, "Why do you ask?"

Nina didn't directly answer Sylvie's question, but instead said, "If I remember correctly, Andrew and Jillian had co-starred in a drama before, right?"

"Yes, they did, but it was a big flop." Sylvie went straight to the point. If Jillian or Andrew heard Sylvie's evaluation, they would definitely be pissed.

Sylvie was not a stupid person. When Nina said this, Sylvie suddenly understood. She asked Nina in surprise, "You suspect that there is an affair between Andrew and Jillian?"

That was why Andrew had cooperated with Jillian and purposefully targeted Nina. Did they want to cause some trouble?

Nina nodded, then said, "You know, Jillian has her way with men. She will definitely be able to get Andrew."

Sylvie cursed. "What a scumbag and a bitch. Andrew is such a shiftless person."

Nina didn't say anything more. She went back to meet Cameron and asked him how the investigation was going.

In Hazelton, one of the rooms on the top floor of the hotel that the brand staff had booked for Nina.

Lucien lay lazily on the sofa in Cameron's room drinking wine. Cameron glanced at his watch and learned that Nina's flight had already landed and they would arrive at the hotel soon.

So, Cameron immediately let Lucien leave and directly took Lucien's glass and urged, "Are you still not leaving?"

He and Nina hadn’t seen each other for half a month. This was their world of two. How could Lucien stay here?

Lucien took back his wine glass and poured himself another one. "I won't leave. You liar."


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