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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 647

Facing Douglas's provocation, Cameron was still calm and relaxed. He raised his eyebrows and gave Douglas an eye, "You want to do it hard way since if you can't defeat me in debate?"

Douglas growled, "Who the fuck can't I defeat you?"

Cameron sneered, "We can fight if you want to, but find a place no one was around. If we fight here, have you considered the reputation of your family?"

Douglas was actually speechless by his scold. There were obvious contemptuous in Cameron's eyes, and he continued, "She doesn't like you at all. But she and I are in love with each other, deeply. If you continue to bother us, you will be the one pay the price."

Douglas clenched his fists and wanted to punch him again.

Cameron glanced at him and said lightly, "Douglas, I was able to control your dad and let him get you abroad a few years ago. Do you think I don't have the ability to deal with you and the Cleveland Family behind you now?"

Douglas said coldly, "Are you threatening me?"

"So what?" Cameron swayed the wine in his glass casually, "The world is so cruel. Jungle justice remains true. It's so easy for Camcien and I to stomp you or even the Cleveland Family under our feet. If you are not stupid, just quit in time."

"If you don't want to quit, I will fight you down to the end."

Douglas want to say something else, but Cameron had turned and left. He had already said what he had to say. If Douglas really lacked some self-knowledge, then he didn't need to be merciful.

Just like Melanie.

Douglas stomped his feet in anger. He strode after a few steps to stop Cameron, "How dare you threaten me? Aren't you afraid that I will spread the news of your marriage to Nina?"

"At that time, rumors about Nina will take off, and you will be internet bullied to death. Nina's fans are not easy to deal with."

Cameron said calmly, "Since I dare to tell you, I'm not afraid of you telling out."

"Besides, I'm not a promiscuous man. I don't like someone who has been falling in love with and breaking up with girlfriends at an amazing speed. I think even if the marriage between the two of us is exposed, the public will bless us instead of criticize us."

Douglas stared at him speechlessly, feeling like he was criticized by his connotated word.

But he had to admit that Cameron's words made sense.

Cameron revealed that he was married a few days ago. The announcement was very affectionate, which had established a good image for him as a good man.

In addition, he had uncovered his identity as the other founder of Camcien. His status was not inferior to Nina. If Nina was married to him, Nina's fans would probably bless them.

Cameron raised his hand and patted Douglas on the shoulder, and persuaded earnestly, "If you are always staring at the wives of someone else, you might as well get to know other women. Maybe you can get married soon."

Cameron strode out of the banquet hall after he finished speaking. Douglas raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, feeling that it was very difficult to breathe.

All thanks to Cameron!

After calming down, his heart was quickly filled with sadness and loss. Nina, she... he would never have the chance to marry her. Others just think that he had been a playboy, but that's because he couldn't fell in love with any of them.

Nina was the only woman he had been obsessed with for so many years.

He loved her from the bottom of his heart. He had wanted to be a loving and dedicated person for her. He had wanted to get better, no longer being a jerk or a playboy, but now...

Douglas raised his hand to cover his eyes, feeling tears in the corners of his eyes.

After a while, he took his phone and sent a text message to Nina: "Nina, Congratulation on your marriage! Wish you a happy life in the future."

After he posted it, he deleted her phone number. Although he had been in contact with Cameron for a short while, it was enough for him to think of Cameron as a lunatic.


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