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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33*** I should fuck more!

Alpha Valdo pov***

I was trying and I wanted to explain to others, especially when she started to pack up her clothes. I knew that she wouldn’t leave me. She was threatening me because she felt humiliated by what happened.

But I got scared she was childishly talking and she was kind of crazy and I couldn’t let her go even for a day away from me.

I wanted to calm her down, I wasn’t sure yet how I would deal with those traditions yet but I was sure that I wanted to keep my Luna with me even though I decided to drop my throne.

“Listen to me baby, it’s actually not a thousand.” I tried to smile.

But she was huffing and fuming in anger “then how much Valdo? Tell me now.” She said in a commanding tone.

I gulped nervously and scratched the back of my neck “it should be more than a thousand to prove that I’m stronger than my father!”

She pushed me by all her strength to the back of the bed and unexpectedly she stood up “listen to me! me or them! That’s my last words. Find anything. But you are not going to fuck another. I’m serious. If you did that or even thought about that, I swear to all the gods that I will never let you touch me again.” She warned me in a grating tone.

I rubbed my face trying to do anything to stop that argument because I was already having a strong headache and I couldn’t think of anything. She didn’t give me time for that.

I stood up and walked to the window spacing out with my deep thoughts and actually with my wolf for minutes.

‘Choose her Valdo! What are you thinking of?’ my wolf said to me.

‘but how! I should do something stronger instead!’ I said mutely to my wolf.

And suddenly she laughed “are you serious? Are you talking with your wolf now? I could hear everything!” she remarked in a mocking tone.

I turned my back to look at her “you are what? But how? I didn’t mind the link yet! How could it happen?” I was stricken by her words. My power to block the mind link between me and anyone was strong enough. But she heard me. I thought she was playing with me with words.

She raised her head up and spoke from the tip of her nose “but I heard you. You know what Valdo? I thank we really need to take a break and rethink about…” she paused and lowered her gaze to the floor.

I cemented in my place feeling my heartbeats hammering in my chest as if I was going to die. Sure she wasn’t going to say that! I placed my hands on my ears and sealed my eyes “please don’t say that, please. Why are you doing that?”

For the first time in my life, I felt as the weakest person ever and much worse, I felt her as much stronger than me.

I reclaimed myself and opened my eyes “Pink, I will ask you one question. Do you love me?”


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King