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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 202


Chapter 202 He Is My ExHusband 

Imogen moved Mochi’s cat food, litter, and cans to the car

She looked back and didn’t see Troy

She was relieved but also a little unspeakably disappointed

She sat in the driver’s seat and was silent for a while before taking her mobile phone and calling Lane

Lane was stunned when he received Imogen’s call

He answered the phone and said carefully, Hello, Ms. Forbes?” 

Mr. Jordan, which pet hospital is Mochi in?” 

Can anyone tell me who is Mochi

Why did Imogen call and ask me about this?” 

Lane thought of Troy’s strange words when he answered the phone, paused for a few seconds, and replied, Sorry, Ms. Forbes. I had a temporary emergency, so I handed Mochi to the assistant. I don’t know which pet hospital it is in now.” 

Imogen was suddenly speechless

She didn’t know what to say

For a moment, she suspected that Troy did not raise Mochi well, and Mochi died. Then, he used such an excuse to delay

Lane continued, Well, let me ask the assistant, and I will call you back later.” 

After saying this, Lane hung up and quickly called Troy

He got Troy’s instruction and immediately called Imogen back

Imogen answered it and asked, Where is Mochi?” 

I’m sorry, Ms. Forbes. The assistant’s phone is not connected. When I get through, I will ask it for you.” 

Imogen didn’t know what to say

So she came here and returned emptyhanded

She sighed helplessly, drove away, and went to the bank to transfer money to Charlie. Imogen needed to transfer more than seven million dollars to Charlie’s account. It was not a small amount. The bank staff invited her to the VIP lounge, served a cup of coffee, and asked her to wait for a while. Then, the bank staff went to ask the manager to come over

Imogen took a sip of coffee, took out her mobile phone, and saw some messages

She checked it and found it was from Erik

He probably saw Charlie’s Instagram when she returned from abroad, so he sent Imogen several messages: [Hey, Imogen.

[Have you returned from abroad? I’m also in New York City now. Do you have time to have dinner together?

Imogen scrolled up and saw several previous messages from Erik. He asked her where to play and when she returned from abroad. She hadn’t replied to him

This time, she replied: [Sorry. I just returned a few days ago. I’m a bit busy these days. Let’s talk 

about it later.

Imogen knew well that was just a perfunctory reply. She would not make an appointment with Erik unless she really couldn’t refuse his invitation

Erik replied quickly. He sent her a disappointed emoji: [Well. I just returned from abroad a few days ago and am also looking for an internship.

[Imogen, what do you do for work?

Imogen replied to him just now, so she couldn’t ignore his messages this time: [I used to do brand management but resigned some time ago.

Erik: [Do you have any plans?

Imogen: [I’m not going to look for a job. I want to rest for some time first.

Erik: [Imogen, I don’t know much about the situation in New York City. I have received two companiesinvitations. Can you give me advice?

Imogen: [What field?

Erik: [Software development.

A talented student from a famous foreign school like Erik with such a major had a high probability of entering a renowned company

There were not many famous companies in this field in New York City

Imogen: [I don’t know much about this field. But you can tell me the two companies, and I will analyze it for you from other aspects.

Erik: [Thank you, Imogen!

Erik: [The first is Marshall Group and the other is Whitmore Technology. Do you know about the two companies?

Imogen was surprised

She knew the two companies

They were indeed famous companies in this field in New York City

Imogen: [Marshall Group is a comprehensive enterprise, and software development is only one of a part of its business divisions, including hardware and software. Whitmore Technology specializes in software development. Marshall Group has a large platform, relying on a big group. It has its own industrial park and the complete industrial chain. Besides, it spends a lot of money on research and development every year. In comparison, Whitmore Technology is a little worse in this regard, but it also has its specialization.

Imogen: [If you are interested in research and development, the primary consideration is the degree of fit between the two companiesprojects and your major, as well as whether the business philosophy is consistent with your outlook. Regarding career planning, if you want to be promoted quickly, you should choose Whitmore Technology. As for longterm development, Marshall Group is a good choice.

Erik: [Honestly, I prefer Marshall Group because of its business philosophy. The former president, Troy, graduated from the department of mathematics and majored in software development.] Imogen: [He has a double degree in mathematics and economics.

Erik: [He’s awesome. I’ve seen his previous interviews abroad and admire him. Imogen, do know him?


Imogen sighed

Imogen: [Yeah.

Imogen: [He is my exhusband.

She had been looking for opportunities to tell Erik about this matter

She thought Erik might give up his mind after he knew she had been married

However, Erik didn’t take the initiative to say anything to express his feelings for her. It seemed too abrupt for her to tell him she had been divorced

Now, it was her chance to tell him about this

This news might be very shocking to Erik. The reminder at the top of the screen, The other is typing, was displayed for a long time


Erik was shocked. He never thought Imogen had been married. After all, she looked very young. He remembered that he heard the word dimwitfrom Charlie. At that time, he thought dimwitwas her exboyfriend. Now, he finally knew that the man was her exhusband

Moreover, the word dimwitwas not an insulting word. Troy was most likely to be at fault in the marriage

After a few minutes, Erik replied: [You are excellent. It is his loss to divorce 


Imogen: [No matter what the reason for our divorce is, I have to admit that he is serious and responsible at work. He is kind to the employees. I hope that my personal matter won’t affect choice.

Erik: [Well, okay. Thank you, Imogen. I think about it. See you.

Imogen: [Okay.


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