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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 203


Chapter 203 A Carefully Planned Murder 

After moving her belongings to the spacious flat, Imogen went to Norway, leaving the rest of her luggage untouched

Now that Imogen had decided to settle here longterm, she began organizing her things, including her late father’s belongings

As Christmas had passed, another year had gone by since her father’s departure

The truck driver who had been incarcerated was now living comfortably with extra money to travel abroad

Meanwhile, her father lay peacefully in his eternal rest

These thoughts weighed heavily on Imogen’s heart

She opened her father’s notebook and slowly flipped through each page, the yellowed footers and familiar handwriting comforting her

As she went through it, a photo slipped out from between the pages

It was a photo seemingly related to the previous kidnapping case

Imogen picked it up, took a look, and inserted it inside the notebook

Suddenly, something flashed through her mind, and she immediately took out the photo and looked at it carefully

The angle of the photo was peculiar as if it was taken surreptitiously from behind a pillar, obscuring part of the foreground

In the photo, there are two individuals, one with a side profile and the other with approximately at 45degree side profile

Due to the distance, their facial features weren’t clear, but Imogen had a strong sense of familiarity with the person at the fortyfivedegree angle. It felt like she had seen him somewhere before

When she had previously looked at this photo, she hadn’t felt this way

Where could she have seen it before?! 

In a sudden epiphany, Imogen recalled seeing a man of similar age accompanying the truck driver at the Sacia City Airport

At the time, she felt that the man looked familiar and assumed he was a relative of the truck 


Now, Imogen closed her eyes and recollected carefully. Although they had only briefly crossed paths, in her mind, the face of the man at the airport overlapped perfectly with the halfprofile face in the photo

Her memory had never been so vivid before

No wonder she had found the man familiar at the airport. She had seen him in the photo! Trembling, Imogen held the photo in her hand, her whole body filled with excitement. This photo was related to the kidnapping case, a stolen snapshot, which meant that the two people inside were undoubtedly the kidnappers

In other words, one of the kidnappers knew the truck driver who ran over her father. Imogen firmly believed that this was no coincidence

Her father’s death was not an accident but a carefully planned murder

At that time, her father had gained quite a reputation from the food additive case, and other righteous reports he had been involved in had also been unearthed, greatly enhancing his credibility among the public

It was likely that the kidnappers noticed him while he was taking the photo and had to take action to protect themselves, leading to her father’s untimely demise

It must have been so

As Imogen realized this, tears welled up in her eyes, and she tightly gripped the photo, her fingertips pale

She was determined to avenge her father

Sitting on the floor, Imogen wiped away her tears

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and forced herself to calm down and think

She recalled a kidnapping case. The hostage in that case was the daughter of a celebrity. The media, disregarding the desperate pleas of the celebrity’s mother, reported and even livestreamed the rescue process, leading to the gruesome death of the hostage at the hands of the kidnappers

Imogen had inadvertently come across this case, and it had left a deep impression on her. The victim in that case was only seventeen years old, a young girl in her prime, still in high school, and the celebrity’s mother’s only child

The most infuriating were the profitseeking media, who were complicit in the kidnappersactions. Their evil was no less than that of the kidnappers themselves


After this case, in similar cases in the country, no related news would leak until the hostage was rescued

There would be no reporters at the scene of the crime or during the rescue process

So, how did her father manage to capture a photo of the kidnapper

Did her father receive a tipoff and risked danger to secretly take photos at the scene

This was indeed something her father would do. In the previous case involving food additives, her father had personally gone undercover at the factory to obtain evidence

It was possible that her father was discovered while taking the photos, which incurred the kidnapper’s wrath

At that time, her father was already in the midst of writing the news article, which meant that either the hostage had been rescued or had already died by the time her father passed away

From the unfinished drafts in her father’s notebook, Imogen deduced that the kidnapping occurred on April 12th of that year, and her father’s death anniversary was on April 18th

This meant that the kidnapper had not been apprehended on the spot and was still on the run at the time of her father’s death. Otherwise, the truck driver’s act would be meaningless

As for the fate of the hostage and whether the kidnapper was eventually caught, Imogen had not paid attention to it back then

She had never connected her father’s death with this case

Even if she had briefly suspected foul play in her father’s death, she had assumed it was due to his previous just reports that had offended someone

Imogen took a deep breath, cleared her mind for a few seconds, and took out her father’s notebook and the photo

Her father’s case had long been classified as a traffic accident, and the truck driver had already served his sentence. Based on her own speculation, it would be difficult to convince the police to reinvestigate

She could only privately investigate this matter on her own

Her father’s death had garnered a lot of attention in society, and the police would surely investigate the case thoroughly under public scrutiny. However, they had failed to establish a connection between the truck driver and the kidnappers, indicating the kidnappersdeep concealment

Perhaps there was a large criminal organization behind them

Imogen poured herself a glass of water, took a sip to calm her nerves, took out her own laptop, and began searching for reports about the kidnapping case from that year

However, to her surprise, Imogen found nothing about the April 12th kidnapping when she searched on the Internet

The search results were all unrelated

Even when she tried different keywords, the results remained unrelated to web pages

It was as if the incident never happened

Why was it like this


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