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Snare of Love novel Chapter 494

Dolores froze for a moment before she realized who he was talking about.

Did he mean that Matthew was the one who caused this mess?

How could Matthew be so immature?

"Don't you even want to say something?" Charles actually looked at her with some expectation. Even if he suffered, it didn't matter to him. If she could show her concern for him, it would be worthwhile for him to suffer.

At the same time, he laughed bitterly in his heart. How could he be so absurd?

Could he be crazy? Or could it be that he was a masochist? Did he do this so that she could show her concern for him?

"Did you get it wrong?" Dolores didn't admit what he said at once.

Charles was speechless.

Was she playing dumb? Or was she reluctant to admit that her husband was narrow-minded?

"That's impossible. I haven't offended anyone but him. None of my rivals in the business world would dare to attack me recklessly. If they had such intentions, they would have taken action against me already. And they won't wait until now to do it to me. It seemed that they had scheduled to take action at the same time. If there is no one to back them up and make plans, then I definitely don't believe it." Charles didn't investigate the matter, for he was caught off guard by the blow, so he simply did not have time to check it out. But he could be sure that the mastermind behind it was Matthew.

"Do you know that if those people who followed me were not so loyal, then they would have been poached long ago with high prices? And if that were the case, then I'm afraid the White Group would have gone bankrupt long ago."

"I personally care a lot about you." After hearing Charles' words, Dolores felt speechless, because she really didn't expect Matthew to do that to Charles.

If there was a conflict between the two of them, there didn't seem to be too much conflict of interest between them.

Besides, Charles went back to White City early and rarely showed up in City B easily. And Dolores couldn't quite figure out why Matthew was so cruel to Charles.

In all conscience, Matthew had gone a little too far this time.

"Hmm?" Charles arched his eyebrows. What did she mean by that?

Dolores didn't look at him. Instead, she just casually looked at the shadows of the trees on the roadside that were cast onto the ground by the streetlights, "As the saying goes, a woman shares the fate of the man she married. Since I married him, no matter what he has done, I must support him because it is my duty as his wife."

As she disapproved of what Matthew did, she felt very sorry for Charles. However, she couldn't criticize Matthew for what he had done. Firstly, it was because he was her husband. Secondly, this was the most important reason, which was that she knew very well how Charles felt about her. So all she had to do was defend her husband and dismiss Charles's thoughts. If she showed her sympathy and apology for him, then she would be misleading him.

Charles moved his lips and then let out a laugh, "You do sound like you support your husband no matter what he did. Although this phrase sounds very cheesy, it sounds exceptionally moving. If he hears this, then I am afraid that even if he is asleep, then he will wake up from his dream laughing."

After laughing, he lowered his voice, "You really are a couple. Even if you hurt me, you will brutally attack me. And you're just as ruthless as he is."

Dolores pretended not to understand, "It's getting late. I should go back home. My kids told me to wait for me to get back, so I can't stay for long."

"I'll give you a ride home." Charles was afraid Dolores would refuse his offer, so he said, "Because it's so late, I am worried about you going home alone. After all, I'm the one who asked you to stay. If something were to happen to you because of me, it would be my fault."

Since he had told her so, Dolores couldn't refuse him. Then Charles called Tom and asked him to come over. And Tom was in the neighborhood, so he quickly drove there. Because Charles's car had been specially modified with a ramp near the car door, Tom alone could also easily push him into the car.

There was an empty spot in the car for the wheelchair with a seat beside it.

As they sat in the car, Charles asked, "Where do you live?"

Dolores told him the name of the neighborhood where she lived, and Tom started driving. The two of them didn't talk the whole way, so the car became very quiet. And Charles didn't talk because he was upset. Even though he was tough enough, he was upset by what Dolores had just said.

He was mad at him. He got angry at his weakness. And he couldn't control his emotions when he faced up his feelings for her.

This must be a problem that had been around people since ancient times. Otherwise, the ancient poets could not write those moving and long lines.

He remembered that he had seen an untitled poem that particularly expressed his feelings at this moment, ‘My love is oceans and mountains away, a distance impossible to shorten. My thoughts of my beloved are as far apart as heaven and earth, but I am only mortal.’

After about thirty minutes, the car stopped in front of the neighborhood.

Charles sighed and collected his thoughts. Then he looked at her and said gently, "It's very late. Just go home and get some rest."


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