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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130 

Anthony’s eyes suddenly turned stern, and he looked at Lauraine coldly

His indifferent aura was intense and dangerous

Lauraine dared not to raise her head. She covered her face with her shoulders trembling violently. She felt severe pain in her heart and said, Louis jumped into the sea. Tony, save him! There’s still hope to save him!” 

In sorrow and struggle, she was immersed in the scene of Louis leaping into the sea, unable to extricate herself

Lauraine thought, I also regretted it. I didn’t mean it. I just accidentally loosened the rope. What will Louis think of me? The man I like has witnessed my sin, but I don’t want him to die. Genevieve may not live, but Louis can be saved!’ 

She felt a piercing pain in her heart, making her suffocated

Lauraine grabbed Anthony’s arm tightly with tears on her face. Her face was full of fear and worry. Tony, ask someone to save him. He can’t die! If he dies, I won’t live either…” 

Anthony’s heart skipped a beat when a bad thought emerged. He stared at her with a gloomy look and asked, Did Genevieve fall into the sea, too?” 

Otherwise, he couldn’t think of any other reason Louis jumped into it

Lauraine trembled, and her face went pale

She shook her head in a panic. I don’t know-” 

Before she could finish, Anthony pushed her away and ordered the bodyguards, Get ready to save 


That bad thought in him was becoming increasingly burdensome

Lauraine staggered after being pushed and trembled harder. She cried and shouted from behind, Tony, save Louis first. Please! He still has hope to live!” 

Lauraine knew that Genevieve had no hope to live as her hands were tied, and her mouth was gagged. She would only slowly die in the sea

Genevieve didn’t even have the chance to survive

Lauraine regretted it, but after seeing Louis jump into the sea, the regret was slowly replaced by a faint sensation in her heart

She was more worried about Louis

Everyone indulged in luxury and dissipation by the first half of the night

And they spent the other half of the night in fear and solemnity on the cruise ship

Chapter 130 

The party then ended in a hurry

Many people had no idea what was going on

But they vaguely knew that something happened to Genevieve

Quincey was reluctant to see Anthony make such a big fanfare for Genevieve, so she always brought Andrea along to show everyone that her ideal daughterinlaw was not Genevieve

That was her attitude

Anthony’s men sent the guests on the cruise ship off one after another, including Quincey and Presley

Although Presley was dissatisfied, he wouldn’t question his son in public. After all, Anthony had been able to take charge of himself independently

Meanwhile, when Quincey left cursing behind the bodyguards, Andrea held her arm and reassured her softly. Mrs. Hoffman, it doesn’t matter. Let’s go back early and have a good sleep. It’s good for your skin” 

Lauraine staggered and followed behind. She had just cried and couldn’t even stand still

Quincey never cared about her sickly daughter, so she didn’t notice that something was wrong with 


When they were about to get on the speedboat, the bodyguard suddenly received a call. After hanging up the call, he said, Ms. Thomson, Mr. Hoffman asked you and Ms. Hoffman to stay.” 

Andrea’s expression changed subtly

But soon, she smiled gently again and said, Why? I’m thinking of going back with Mrs. Hoffman.” 

The bodyguard’s expression changed slightly. This is Mr. Hoffman’s order.” 

Quincey was a little unhappy initially, but she quickly reacted and patted Andrea’s hand. I knew it. He must be interested in you, so he asked you to stay here. I’m fine with it as long as you can make him care about you. You should seize this good opportunity!” 

With that, she went on the speedboat with Presley one after the other. 

In the night, the white light on the cruise ship shrouded Andrea

Her face turned even paler at that moment

Her smile was stiff and unnatural

Watching Quincey leave, she couldn’t help but get nervous

Meanwhile, Lauraine panicked utterly. She grabbed Andrea’s arm, and her lips trembled. What should we do? Did Tony find out?” 

Andrea was slightly annoyed but still held her hand with a smile. You didn’t say you did it, right?” 

Chapter 130 

Lauraine shook her head violently

Andrea breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. She held Lauraine’s arm and whispered as she walked

Don’t worry. Don’t say anything. She should be dead by now and won’t 

No one will know as long as we don’t tell anyone.” 

Lauraine stated, But Louis knew it and still jumped into the sea” 

Did he come up?Andrea asked calmly

Lauraine froze, and her face turned pale

me back to trouble you

Andrea smiled. Lauraine, I hope you learn to love yourself more than the person you love. He chose that woman; you should learn to care for yourself. We should pray they never come out of the sea. Or you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison” 

Andrea smiled and gently combed Lauraine’s messy hair with gloomy eyes

Lauraine suddenly felt that Andrea was scary

That chill Andrea exuded made her feel uncomfortable

Lauraine found Andrea had been calm all the time. She calmly persuaded her to let go of her hands, convinced her to shut up, and advised her not to overthink it

Andrea had bewitched Lauraine, but at that moment, she remained detached from the entire situation, quietly observing Lauraine go through all that


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