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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 

turdy figure looked fragile. It seemed as if 

Anthony stood there with one hand on his stomach, his face a little pale. For some reason, his tall, sturdy figure looked he was enduring his discomfort

Genevieve frowned and did not quite believe him

She thought, But he really looks terrible. Not only does he smell of alcohol, but his face is also pale. Besides, there is a hint of pitifulness in his. emeraldlike eyes.” 

Meanwhile, Anthony had already walked over to the couch and sat down. He did not pace or look around

All he did was raise his head slightly. He looked at Genevieve as if he were a homeless animal

Genevieve could not help but recall that Anthony had saved her from Finnley

She thought, Kicking him out like this doesn’t seem right. Since we’re divorced, things should be open and straightforward. There’s no need to avoid them. Our social circle is so small that we’ll run into each other often in the future. I have to face that day eventually

Genevieve took a deep breath, then took the chowder out of the insulated lunch box

The chowder Jeffrey had brought was the signature dish of a private kitchen. It was fragrant and rich

It whetted Anthony’s appetite. Perhaps due to not feeling well, he downed the entire chowder in one go

Then, he covered his stomach and did not move 

Deep down, he knew it would not be easy to get a chance to sit down for a meal with Genevieve

So he wanted to extend their time together

Anthony said, Thank you. It’s delicious. Sorry, but I didn’t leave any for you, Have you eaten?” 

The starving Genevieve twitched the corners of her mouth slightly and reluctantly replied, Yes” 

She thought, Now I feel regretful for being merciful. I hope this scumbag before me will get the hell out of here immediately

Anthony paused and got up to go to the kitchen. Til make you something 

ng to eat if you’re hungry,he said

He thought, it will take a long time to prepare a meal. This way, I can stay a little longer with her.” 

Genevieve pursed her lips, her tone cold and indifferent as she said, No need for that. I’m not hungry. You may go 

o now.” 

Anthony’s body froze slightly. He suddenly stumbled and fell onto the couch, not moving

Genevieve was stunned for a moment and came over, saying, You’re not going to pretend to faint, are you? It’s actually a boring move!” 

Anthony’s face turned deathly pale as he held his stomach, His forehead was covered with large beads of sweat

Genevieve thought, Maybe he’s not taking it.’ 

Genevieve paused, then picked up the phone and said, It’s me. I give you one minute to get downstairs and take him away” 

Brendan, who was lying on the bed, quickly got up 

He glanced at his phone and wondered, Is that really Genevieve’s voice? Take him away? Who is that guy

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Chapter 83 

Brendan went downstairs in confusion

He saw 

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w that the door downstairs was open and that Genevieve was standing at the door, waiting impatiently. Genevieve, do you live here?he asked

He thought, Why don’t I know anything about this?” 

Genevieve nodded weakly and opened the door, saying, Take Anthony 

Anthony away” 

The house belonged to Jeffrey. On the first day she had moved in, Jeffrey had found out all the information about the neighborhood for her

So Genevieve had long known Brendan lived there too

Brendan was even more shocked when he heard what Genevieve had said

He wondered, Didn’t Anthony leave?” 

However, Brendan immediately made up his mind and decided to help his buddy, Anthony

So he kept waving his hand and saying, No, no, no. I can’t carry him. Let him stay here for the night!” 

Genevieve chuckled and threatened. Mr. Satur, I met your mother a few days ago, and she wanted to know where you live now. Do you think

should tell her… 

Brendan was taken aback 

It was 

as the fourth time he had to relocate. His mother’s concern had reached a level where she disregarded his need for privacy and personal 


Brendan took a deep breath and came in with an awkward smile, saying, “I can carry him, I’ll do my best.” 


He had no choice but to secretly apologize to Anthony

He said inwardly. “You must forgive me this time, Anthony

Brendan went over and tried to support Anthony’s arm. But it felt unusually heavy, almost as if a deliberate force was pushing it down

He groaned in pain

Genevieve was still standing at the door, waiting for them to leave the room

Brendan gritted his teeth and decided to carry Anthony from the front. Although he was not as strong as Anthony, he managed to drag his 

friend out of Genevieve’s house

Anthony leaned heavily to the side, and Brendan could only release his hand

But in the next second, Genevieve closed the door and locked them out

Anthony slowly opened his green eyes and looked at Brendan for a few seconds, enough for Brendan to feel his raging anger and intention to strangle him to death

Brendan guiltily explained, Genevieve threatened me… 

He thought, Genevieve indeed has a lot up her sleeve! I’m impressed by her again!” 


slowly straightened his clothes and snorted. Then he turned and got into the elevator without saying anything

Brendan could not help but run after Anthony as he said, Tony, the car is waiting outside… 

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Chapter 83 

Brendan was aware that he had seriously offended Anthony by ruining the latter’s plan

The next morning, Daniel walted at the gate of Brendan’s residential area with the documents in hand


When Brendan saw Daniel in the car, he waved his hand happily. Mr. Simmons, what are you doing here? Did Tony rest well last night?he 


It was to see if Anthony had cooled down

Daniel smiled and handed over a check and a key, saying, It’s Mr. Hoffman who asked me to give these to you.” 

Brendan was puzzled and wondered, is he trying to buy me off?” 

Brendan then said, Tony is too kind” 


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