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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324: So He's Single!

"She was with another man, I saw it with my own eyes!" Monica complained.

Claire stood silently beside them, neither explaining nor refuting. She had just tried to explain until her throat was nearly smoking.

Tristan calmly put away his phone, and Monica looked up, observing the change in his expression, expecting him to explode in anger.

However, his peaceful gaze, like that of a deep well, turned apologetically towards Claire. "I'm sorry, I didn't explain our relationship clearly to her in time, causing you trouble."

Monica was puzzled by these words. She frowned, looking at him and then at Claire.

"It's okay." Claire spoke softly, quite understanding. She glanced at the girl beside her and then said to Tristan, "It's not too late to explain it to her now, so she won't misunderstand again."

The situation seemed a bit like... Claire was the third party, which felt strange to her.

Tristan wouldn't let her be embarrassed.

So, in front of her, Tristan looked at Monica and made an unnecessary explanation. "She's not my girlfriend. I just didn't want to go on a blind date, so I used her as a shield."

Upon hearing this, Monica's eyes widened in sudden realization, as the situation seemed familiar!

"Do you have this habit?" She looked at Tristan with a very strange gaze. "Is this your usual trick? Using an unrelated woman to act as a shield?"

Tristan understood what she meant, and she must have thought of the time with Daniel.

Claire didn't know what they were talking about, a usual trick?

But she thought Tristan had already explained it clearly, so she looked up at him. "I have to go now. I have an interview today and need to write the article."

"Alright." Tristan nodded, and then watched her leave.

Saskia Holt never went over.

Monica secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the girl's retreating figure, and thought, so she's not his girlfriend!

So, does that mean he's single now? Monica couldn't be happier in her heart!

Tristan's gaze fell back on the smiling girl's face. "Weren't you in Canada? How did you come back to Arkpool City?"

"Didn't I miss you?" Monica's mood was good, and she jokingly spoke her mind, wanting to see his reaction.


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