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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1575

Chapter 1575 An Escort

It had to be said, Tristan was really a person who never held out hope. He was an upright, law-abiding citizen, dependable.

Monica looked at him, unable to hold back an even brighter smile, "Right, you have to drive!" She bit the skewer and laughed, "You're an escort! You have to stay sober."

Tristan was very steady.

So she poured him a glass of water, "Come, let's toast, to Algerone and Belinda's relationship progressing. Let's set a small goal for them to get married within a month!"

Tristan raised the cup, "Then we'll have to work hard, let's do our best together." He lightly clinked it against her beer can, "Speaking of which, do you still remember your dad planting the yard full of roses?"

"I remember." The girl nodded, "It's so cold now, hope they didn't freeze."

"They won't, your dad will take good care of them." Tristan asked, "Your mom doesn't know about this right?"

Monica thought about it, "Probably doesn't know I feel."

"So, we have to strike while the iron's hot this time, reveal this to her naturally to move her." Tristan reminded her, "We need to think of a way."

"Okay! Yup!" Monica was very happy, "Cheers!"

"Didn't expect you'd drink too." Tristan's horizons were broadened a bit as their drinks clinked.

"Just a little, I'm in a good mood today, can't help it!" She smiled till her eyes narrowed, and said to him, "I drank it, you can do what you want."

Seeing her so real before him, how could he not love her?

She drank a mouthful of beer then ate a skewer, laughing as she said, "Anyway you're by my side, with an escort, even if I get drunk, at least I won't wander the streets!"

"That won't happen, I'll protect you." Tristan didn't eat many skewers, he wasn't used to the strong flavors, but he really enjoyed being with her.

Just like every moment right now, it made him feel especially comfortable, no work pressure, no troubles either.

Monica really couldn't hold her liquor. After just two cans, she felt a little tipsy. "Tristan, you're so handsome, have you noticed?"

"I rarely look in the mirror."


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