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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1987

Chapter 1987: You Feed Me

In another lounge, Spencer sat on the sofa as two medical staff carefully tended to his wounds, like he was a wounded lion, afraid of being hurt.

Spencer's face was still grim, a fire burning in his chest, making the medical staff around him cautious not to even breathe loudly.

Andrew stood by, watching with sympathy. How big of a grudge must be there for someone to hit him repeatedly in the face?

Men may cherish women, but when it comes to men, they can be really harsh.

But then he noticed Spencer clutching his stomach, a hint of pain furrowing his brow.

Quickly, before Spencer could respond, Summer knocked on the open door. When Spencer saw his beloved girl, his cold demeanor softened a bit.

Summer walked in, the injuries visible on her.

Andrew, getting increasingly worried, asked Spencer, "What's wrong with your stomach? Do you have internal bleeding?"

"No," but he was indeed feeling unwell in his stomach, an old problem. "I just didn't have breakfast, and I get pains when I'm hungry."

Summer stood in front of him, having overheard his words. "I have some breakfast left, untouched. I'll get it." With that, she turned to leave.

Andrew and Spencer watched her go, not stopping her.

She was going to bring him breakfast?

At that moment, Spencer couldn't be happier!

"Didn't the doctor tell you to eat breakfast every day?" Andrew couldn't understand, feeling concerned.

But he sighed, feeling both angry and caring, "What's more important than your health? Coming to fight without eating breakfast and ending up getting hurt?"

Spencer raised an eyebrow, looking at him displeased. Andrew avoided eye contact, then fell silent.

Soon, Summer came back with a glass of soy milk and two buns. "It's simple, but it'll do the trick for your stomach, and it's still warm."

"Did you eat yet?" Spencer asked her softly, sitting on the sofa, looking up at her from his position. He found her very beautiful.

The girl nodded and handed him the soy milk and buns.


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