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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 

I don’t know.Besides feeling cold, Kevan felt nothing else

Larissa touched his forehead and said. You’re warmer than this morning.” She frowned and fell worried again. As expected, she shouldn’t 

have let him follow her.. 

Seeing her expression of selfblame, Kevan felt worse about himself. It’s okay.He took her hand away and said. I’ll be fine after I take my 

medicine and sleep it off.” 

However, Larissa wasn’t as optimistic as him

Half an hour later, the cable car finally reached the foot of the mountain. Kevan’s legs felt extremely sore, and he walked with a limp. When getting out of the cable car, he lost his footing, but Larissa pulled him from behind to stop him from falling down. She worried even more and dared not let go of him for even a second after that. She helped him into the car carefully

There was no way Kevan could drive when he was so ill, Larissa took his car keys and got into the driver’s seat. It was her first time driving a luxury car of that class like a Maserati, and she couldn’t help but feel nervous. She drove slowly and steadily the whole way back to the 

city for fear that she would scratch the car

She stopped by the hospital first and sent Kevan to the emergency ward. The doctor checked his temperature, which was 38 degrees Celsius. Larissa couldn’t stay with him at the hospital, so she called Dylan. Once Dylan got wind that Kevan was sick, he rushed over anxiously and even brought along a tub of porridge as a favor for Larissa

You’re going to the police station?he asked her. He had undoubtedly also heard about Travispassing

Yup, the police need my cooperation on the investigation,said Larissa

Ill go with you,said Dylan. I’ve asked my friend at the public security bureau about this case and I heard it’s quite messy. Although it’s a direct suicide case, the deceased did not leave a note and the reason for his suicide is a mystery. Also, his family is too pushy. They keep 

causing a fuss at the police station demanding an explanation. If you go there now, you’re most probably going to run into them. I’m 

worried you won’t be able to face them alone.” 

It was great that Dylan was willing to accompany her, but— 

What about Mr. Rogers if we both go? Larissa asked in a low voice while glancing at Kevan, who had fallen asleep on the hospital bed after eating half of the porridge

This is a hospital. There are so many nurses. You don’t have to worry that no one will take care of him,said Dylan. Then, he beckoned to a nurse and said. We need to leave on some business. Please lake good care of this patient and don’t forget to remove his drip on time. If he wakes up and wants to leave, you must stop him at all costs.” 

The nurse’s face was flushed and she couldn’t suppress her smile. She nodded repeatedly and said, Sure, no problem! Don’t worry!” 

Larissa tutted and teased Dylan, saying Being handsome is such a big win.” 

Dylan pushed up his glasses and tilted his chin arrogantly. If that ain’t true.” 


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