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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Seeing his dead serious answer, Letitia was a bit skeptical. “For real?”

Elgin shot back, “Would I lie?”

Fair point. Why would he lie to her of all people?

Letitia got up, freaking out a little. She’d sleepwalked all the way to Elgin’s bed it was a miracle he hadn’t tossed her


But he hadn’t noticed a thing, had he?

“What are you dawdling for? Get out Elgin barked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She gave a hasty nod and managed to stagger a few steps, but her head was swirling and dizziness washed over her. Her throat was parched and raw as well. She must have caught a cold, probably from getting drenched last night.

But Letitia couldn’t dwell on that she had to swing by the jail first. She needed to ask Elgin for a day off, or else if he couldn’t find her, she’d be in for a storm of temper

The problem was what excuse could she use? As Letitia was squeezing her brain for ideas, Elgin said, “Go see a doctor, don’t you dare get me sick!”

“Okay!” she replied cheerfully

For the first time, Letitia felt this cold couldn’t have come at a better time

After leaving Ivory Towers, she made a beeline for the jail

Preston was a lot more lucid now, but with serious injuries, he was bedridden and needed daily dressing changes.

“Letitia, it’s me that’s dragging you down… Preston said. “If we cut ties, would Elgin let you off the hook?”

“Dad, you’ll always be my dad.”

“I thought about suicide, figuring maybe Elgin would chill out. But then I thought of you and your mom. If I go, he’d just take it out on you two even more.”

Letitia just smiled, ‘I’m okay, don’t worry

She couldn’t stay long, dropped ten grand for medical expenses, and stuffed another ten grand into a envelope.

“Sorry for the trouble, she said ‘Please take good care of my dad from now on.”

It’s crazy these people just stood by and let Shela do her thing, heartless. Yet, she had to suck up to them. One day, she’d rise above all this One day!

After the jail visit, Letitia finally headed to the hospital.

“Letitia Sanders?”


The doctor asked mechanically. “What’s the problem?”

Tve caught a cold. Coughing, my throat feels like a desert and it’s also sore, and my nose won’t stop running”

“Did you have any fever?”

Letitia touched her forehead, “Nope.”

As the doctor prepared the prescription, he casually asked, “Any other symptoms recently?”

She thought for a moment, “Well.. got sick once after eating soup. I puked”

“Got a boyfriend?”

Lotta whispered, Tm married.”

Elgin never laid a finger on her, except for that one night…

The doctor handed her a bunch of forms and said, “Go on.”

Letitia flipped through them and saw blood tests and gynecological exams.

“Doc,” she asked. “I just have a cold, why do I have to do all the bloodwork and…”

“Am I the doctor, or are you?”

Letitia blurted out, “I don’t have the money.”

“Mr. Ramirez has already paid.”

Well, alright then, might as well get it done since he’s paying!

After the tests, she had to wait half an hour for the results.

But Elgin’s call came through. “What’s taking so long, you died over there?”


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