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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 6835

Lesia was James’ second body and was supposedly inseparable.

Even if the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell was destroyed, she could restore it.

Fennec and Hemera had followed him into the Chaos Storm and reached the Yitro Daeclon Rank.

He wondered why she had not come with him and if she had an unspeakable reason.

Suddenly, James remembered Lesia had a mysterious background.

He clasped his hands at Chuba and Zemra.

“T have a question that I hope you can answer.” Zemra said smilingly, “I’m sure it’s more than just one question.

Cut straight to the chase.

We’ll answer before we perish.” After a brief pause, James inquired about Lesia’s identity.

Naturally, James had to use Lesia’s real name, Frona.

Chub and Zemra looked at each other in confusion after listening to James’ story.

James pressed, “What's wrong? Do you two not know much about her?” Zemra looked at James and replied, “We're just surprised.

Frona has been with you for so long, but you don’t even know who she is?” James shrugged and said awkwardly, “We’re comrades that share life and death.

If it’s something she doesn’t want to speak about, I won't pry.” zemra replied, “Since she doesn’t want you to know, we can’t tell you either.

We'll answer your other questions.” James was slightly let down by the answer.

Chuba picked up his disappointment and encouraged, “You’ll find out soon.

If she hasn’t told you, then it’s not time yet.


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