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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4

After leaving the Callahans’ villa.

Thea was crying. “Jamie, I’m so sorry. I don’t even have any control over my marriage.”

James took her hand. “It’s okay. Grandfather has made the statement. If I manage to get an order from Celestial Group, he’ll have no choice but to acknowledge us as husband and wife.”

“It’s Celestial Group we’re talking about.” Thea was worried.

Born and bred in Cansington, she knew all there was to Celestial Group.

Celestial Group was an international company, having broken into the Cansington market just recently. The Great Four basically monopolized Celestial Group’s orders.

James only smiled. “We’ll never know if we don’t try.”

Thea thought of something suddenly, saying, “Oh yeah, I remember now. An old classmate of mine is working at Celestial Group. In fact, she’s the head of a department there. Let me get in touch with her. She might be able to connect us with the higher management.”


Holding hands, the both of them walked home to Thea’s.

Thea’s house and the Callahans’ villa were located in the same residential area. Where the headquarters of the Callahans’ was the villa, Thea’s place was in a high-rise building.

The two of them took a leisurely stroll back. Gladys had arrived ahead of them, and she refused to let James into the house.

James shrugged. There was nothing he could do. “I’ll go home then, Thea.”

Thea knew she had no choice either, so she nodded.

The priority now was to secure the orders from Celestial. That way, the Callahans would have no choice but to accept James as part of the family.

After settling down at home, she got in touch with her classmate whom she had not spoken to for many years.

On the other hand, James returned to the House of Royals, situated in an area where the most luxurious villas of Cansington were.

He sat down on the couch and lit a cigarette. Taking out his phone, he dialed a number. “Bring me the chairman of Celestial Group.”

He hardly wanted to press his privilege as the Dragon General, but it could not be helped if he wanted the deal with Celestial.

Soon, a middle-aged man about 50 years of age arrived at the house.

Wearing a suit, he was heavyset and starting to go bald.


As soon as the man entered the House of Royals, he fell to his knees.

In Cansington, he was in charge of Celestial Group. Hailing from the capital, his name was Alex Yates.

Before arriving, Alex had taken the time to find out with whom he would be meeting.

He was kneeling in front of the legendary Dragon General of the Southern Plains. He showed no mercy on and off the battlefield, and his enemies cowered in fear when they heard about the Black Dragon.

The Dragon General was no ordinary man. He was more than important, and therefore commanded the highest level of respect. Still kneeling on the ground, Alex felt a trickle of perspiration slide down his spine.

“Alex Yates?”

James put down the stack of documents he was holding in his hand. Looking at the middle-aged man kneeling on the ground, he waved a hand and said mildly, “Why don’t you stand up?”

“Yes, sir.”

Alex stood. He was sweating profusely, but he made no move to wipe his sweat away.

Shaking in fear, he wondered if he had somehow offended this modern-day Ares. Why was he summoned?

“Tomorrow, my wife Thea Callahan will be visiting Celestial Group, asking for a deal of thirty million. You’re to handle it personally. Don’t mess it up.”

Alex sighed in relief and broke into a smile. “Of course, General. Even if it’s a deal of three hundred million, it would be yours if you say the word.”

“Remember, my wife’s name is Thea. Thea Callahan.”

“Yes, sir.”

“That’s all. You may leave now.”

“Yes, sir.”

Alex felt like he had been granted amnesty and left at top speed, still soaked in sweat.

As part of the Yates family from the Capital, he helmed Celestial Group in Cansington. Even The Great Four had to be careful lest they provoke him, but his role was reversed when meeting James.

After Alex left, James rose from the couch and muttered to himself, “I’ve been back for more than ten days, but I have not paid my respects yet.”


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