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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 80

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 80 by desirenovel


“Hale, what the hell?! “Your bitch mistress is the one causing problems in Phanteon?!” I grounded and threw him a dirty look just as I stepped out of his reach. It was windy in this area, definitely not a fitting place to stay but I especially chose this location for good reasons:

One, I hated going inside his mansion when it was inundated with the smell of blood, and two, this was the safest spot I could think of when I decided to transport us both in Viacronis.

Now that I have fully regained my powers and I had bonded with Aero, my senses had heightened and god, the smell of blood inside Hale’s lair was nauseating. No wonder werewolves hate vampires. I could have chosen Phanteon, reunite with my husband in this very moment, but with Hale tagging along, it wouldn’t be a wise decision. I didn’t want to anger my husband more.

Hale wasn’t offended with how fast I escaped from his hold. He just righted his damn bothersome cape and moved near the balustrade.

“Unfortunately, yes, it’s her. She’s fae,” he verified.

I knotted my brows and placed my arms akimbo. “How did she turn up to be your mistress living in the Slave Wing?”

A visible lopsided grin painted his face.

“She likes to act sometimes, playing bully on my new additions.”

I recollected those moments when that woman and I first met and yup, Sofia or Athyll…whatever really was a one of a kind bitch. No wonder she gave me sour looks. She hated werewolves just like her stupid king and since I was the queen of Phanteon, I was the sure end receiver. She even set me up with that vengeful vampire who thought Aero killed his betrothed when in fact, it was her fucking doing.

Damn her…

“She’s rather twisted,” I expressed; my temper rising, my hands itching to do some damage on her perfectly-constructed face.

I turned my attention on Hale again and narrowed my eyes, “Are you sure you’re not involved in the witch murders and the fire in Cirelles?” I couldn’t help but accuse.

His beautiful face was marred with a grimace in response.

“You wound me, Serena,” he said. “Just because she’s my occasional partner in bed, it doesn’t mean I’m guilty too. I can’t prove my innocence to you, I know, but I can assure you, I was already aware of Geraden’s plan. Athyllane or so you know her as Sofia is his lackey. She does his dirty work.”

With his words, I glued all the pieces together, and fuck, it gave me a chill in the bones.

“I can’t help but wonder if Geraden ordered her to kill Alduin too,” I voiced out, my anger resurfacing towards him.

“You would be surprised by the truth, Serena.” Hale gave me a neutral expression, but I saw through his eyes. I saw the ugly truth weaved with hatred, envy, and greed.

“Since King Alduin was a cautious fae, Geraden had to enlist Sofia’s help and used the same priestess magic against him. She restrained him, but Geraden delivered the blows. She used to tell me how much he enjoyed killing his brother.”

Cold dread washed all over me. Somehow, I couldn’t help but think if he also violated my mother. God, I hope I am wrong.

“Why haven’t you informed Queen Adna? Geraden should be punished!” I cried out, a new sense if anger filling inside me. If he indeed violated my mother then so help me I am going to rain hell on him.

“I mind my own business, Serena,” Hale, unsurprisingly, answered. “As you said, vampires only pry on the problems of others only if this benefits us. I don’t see any benefit on exposing Geraden, well at least not on my side.”

“You’re insensitive,” I spat out, throwing him a scowl.

He scoffed in response and turned to face the night sky.

“Someone exactly said those words to me in the past,” he confessed.

“Yet you didn’t learn,” was my answer, too angry to delve deeper into his story.

Silence surrounded us for a moment. I sensed he was in a contemplative mood like my words had somehow cut a good part of his cold, lifeless heart. Then, as if nothing happened, he turned back to me and grinned.

“I saved your life. Now, you truly owe me. Doesn’t that make you think of something?”

‘You owe me a bite,’ his past words immediately popped in my head.

I raised my chin up and mock laughed at him.

“What you only did was to stop time thereby nullifying Sofia’s spell on me. You didn’t save me, Hale. I saved myself.”

He raised a brow as if taken aback.

“Oh, so Kerus wasn’t the one who transported us here?” he voiced out, clearly having trouble believing.

I shook my head. “No, I was the one who transported us here. A thank you is only needed, so thank you.”

He quickly reached out and grabbed my elbow.

“Let me taste your blood, Serena, and I’ll call it even.”

“I thought your curiosity is sated?” I frowned at him.

“After learning your half-fae and half-wolf, I realized I just had to taste a rare blood like yours,” he confessed. I couldn’t tell whether he was playing with me again or if he was indeed serious, but I just shrugged my shoulders and pulled my elbow away.

“Keep on dreaming, Hale,” I said.

“You’re in my lair. What makes you think I wouldn’t force myself on you?”

He had a good point, but I was confident with my answer too.

“Because my husband is coming any second now and I know you wish better to avoid any tension with him.”

The thrill in his eyes dimmed and then as if we were merely talking about our Sunday breakfast, he stepped away from me.

Then, exactly as I mentioned, a felt a break in space just a few feet away from us. A silhouette of a tall man appeared. Black boots materialized fully first, then slender limbs, then large hands, followed by a naked, delicious chest, and thereafter, Aero’s glowering face.


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