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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 26

Nyx's pov

"Shit Nyx!" He scowled realising who I was with a look of shock on his face, "Are you okay?" He bent down picking me up and lifting me in his arms bridal style.

I felt fuzzy at his action, does he really care this much?

"I am fine." I whined from the slight pain I felt in my elbows. He looked at me with worry, walked a short distance before placing me under a tree.

"You are free." I smiled at him as he inspected my scratched wounds. My heart melted at his display of affection and at the worry that filled his eyes.

"Yes." He smiled and pulled me into a hug, I gasped in shock at the closeness I shared with him, "All thanks to you love."

My heart fluttered at the fact that he had just called me love and I blushed.

Get a hold of yourself Nyx!

He pulled away from me and I got to look at him well. He was handsome, in the typical cute bad boy kinda way and not devilishly handsome like Lycus, why am I even comparing them?

He had fair blonde hair which looked better as it was cleaner, beautiful eyes, a long nose and plump lips.

"Keep staring at me like that and I will kiss you." He smirked and I wheezed in shock at his words. I hit him slightly causing him to chuckle, "Your mate thinks we are lovers." He whispered and I smiled, "I wouldn't mind if you were mine though."

I blushed silently not knowing what to say or how to react to his confession. I watched him as he stood up and stretched his hand out for  me, I took it and he helped me get up.

We just stood there staring at each other and not a word was shared.

"You are pretty, Nyx." He said and I bent my head as redness crept up my cheek, "Pretty is an understatement, fuck!" No one had ever complimented me in this way before, no man had ever found me desirable. I wondered if he was lying, if he was a monster underneath like other men I had met.

Didn't Lycus find you desirable? Hera snorted.

Shut up Hera, I rolled my eyes at her and turned my attention back to Andros. He was still staring at me with a smile on his face.

"Thank you Andros." I mumbled.

"I will see you later Nyx." He moved closer and dropped a kiss on my cheek living me stunned, "I got to go now, wouldn't want your mate to find me slacking." He turned with a chuckle and walked back into the pack house.

                I sat back down under the tree instead of going back inside. I wanted to enjoy the little privilege I had of being outside before going back to my room.

There was no one around here so it was quite peaceful. 

Do you think we can trust Andros? I asked Hera, I don't know if to see him as genuine.

I don't know that too, She replied, But he seems nice although I feel like there is something off about him.

Like what? I asked her, what do you feel?

I can't really place it Nyx, I would say that we should be careful, we can't really trust him, we do not know him too well and he's not Lycus.

I snorted at her words, You will really rather trust the person that hurts our feelings everyday over Andros? Lycus is just another version of Alpha Titan only that he doesn't beat us which I believe will soon change.

I don't think he would ever do that to us Nyx, he is nothing like Titan.

I do not agree with you, I argued with her, He kisses me and then plans to mate with another female soon, Tears were threatening to fall but I held them back, I had to stop being a cry baby despite the pain.


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